lost SMS Messages136 messages

I Almost Gave In
I Almost lost This Day
Almost Got To Me Into The Air
My Hands Tossed
Almost Walked Away
Almost Cried
Almost Threw Caution Into The Wind
Happiness For Myself I Almost Denied
I Felt A Brush Of Love Againt My Face
Wings Wrapped Around Me In A Warm Embrace
I Heard A Whisper Into My Ear….
Dont Giveup, I’m Rite Here
decided to play
Hide n Seek

PAIN started counting
...n All Other were hiding.

LIE hid near the tree..
LOVE cudn''t get a place
to hide so he hid himself
in a Rose bush..
Everyone was caught
except LOVE
PAIN jumped in d bush n
whn came out LOVE lost
his eyes coz of the thorns..

Then GOD cursed PAIN n
he was ordered 2 b wid
LOVE 4ever.

Since then..

"LOVE is BLIND n always
accompanied by PAIN"
when u r sad.........i will try ur tears
when u r scared.........i will confort ur fears
when u r worried........i will give u hope
when u r confused.......i will give u cope
and when u r lost.......and cant see the light
i shall be ur beacon.....shining ever so bright
this is my oath........i pledge tillthe end
why u may ask?........because u r my friend
We all lose friends.. we lose them in death, to distance and over time.

But even though they may be lost, hope is not. The key is to keep them in your heart, and when the time is right,

you can pick up the friendship right where you left off.

Even the lost find their way home when you leave the light on."

Is Like Sound Health

The Value Of It

Is Seldom Known


It be lost ....
A Good Friend

Is Like A Light House

It Doesn''t

Ring Bells, Fire Guns
To Call Attention

When You Are lost ...

It Simply Stands
Tall And Shines ... =]
a coin to earn
buta friend easy to find
a coin depreciate
a friend appreciate
i lost a coin when i tested you
Nation Will
Rise & Fall

Wars Will be
lost & Won

Lives Will
Begin & End


A True Friend
Is Eternal ...
ArE tHe LiNk BeTwEeN
oUrSeLvEs AnD tHe
RoAd To
HaPpInEsS ,
jOy ,
sUcCeSs ,
WiThOuT tHeM
wE aRe lost ... (-:
A good frnd-
Not easy to obtain..

Once obtained-
Difficult to maintain..

Once lost-
Impossible to regain..

Diz Is SpEcIaLy For You

If your heart is broken tell me, I''ll get the glue =P

If you are lost in life call me, I''ll come find you (=

If you''re sad =( please just text me, it''s my obligation to make you smile =)


If you''re happy let me know =D We''ll celebrate in a unique style. ;->
if u lose wealth, u lost nothing..

if u lose health, u lost something..

but if u lose character, u lost everything....