lost SMS Messages136 messages

How Did Aamir Got
Sch Solid Body In
''Ghajni'' ?

Coz Of
Short Term Memory

How ... ?

Every Time He Did
Exercise n Forgot
After 15 Minuts ... ;->

A man was lost alone
on an island. 1day he
decided 2 build a
wooden boat.Suddenly
a grl comes & man uses
d wood 4 makin
a bed

Moral: A girl can
change Ur aim ..

A woman met a man
Walking along the streets
Wearing only one shoe.
"Just lost A Shoe?" She asked
He answered:
"Nope, Just Found One" ;)

Man: Doctor my Wife Recently has lost her voice.

What should I do to help her to Get it back?

Doctor: Try to come home at 3 in the Mor