lost SMS Messages136 messages

love is a divine feeling....
But when u lost luv u r lost...
love is the strongest untagible thing..
A weapon that makes u strong n can hurt more than a bullet
The Cutest
Proposal of d World from a cute Girl to a Boy.......

Girl- "Hey, I have lost my SurName....
Can I use Urs"....=)...

There was a little boy whose 1st love was a young girl in a picture which he found and picked from the street...
As time went by he got married,
But still kept it.
One day,his wife found it and asked,
"Where did u get this?"
The man said,
"I kept that since I was a child,
But why r U asking?"
The girl replied,
"I lost this picture when I was 7...":)
Missing You

Is Like Being

lost In A

Black And White World ....


Seems So

Faded And Lonely ...
"It''s A Horrible Thing To See Your
lost Love Walk Past You With Another Girl,
And It''s The Worst Thing To Know
That You Made

A Mistake In Letting Him Go."
Unfortunate is he who cannot gain a few sincere friends during his life and more unfortunate is the one who has gained them and then lost them (through his deeds).
Quote of the day!

What a lot we lost when we stopped writting letters . You cannot reread a phone call.
Liz Carpenter
“Love lost is still love. It takes a different form, that’s all.

You can’t see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor.

But when those senses weaken, another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it.

You hold it. You dance with it.

Life has to end. Love doesn’t.”
Hurt Leads To Bitterness

Bitterness To Anger

Travel Too Far That Road


The Way Is lost ...

Santa lost His Cheque Book

Bank Manager:
Be Careful,
Anyone Can Put Ur Sign ...

Oye, I''m Not A Fool,
I Have Already Signed
All Cheques ... ;->

A Rupee iS Easy 2 Earn
a Smile iS Hard 2 Find
Rupee Loses iTs Value
Smile Increases iTs Worth
I lost a Rupee Wen I sms U
Who Cares
iF I Won uR Smile ;->
Without you, we would have been lost.
Thank you teacher for guiding us, inspiring us
And making us what we are today.
Happy Teachers Day!