Quote of the day

Quote of the day
Quote of the day!

What a lot we lost when we stopped writting letters . You cannot reread a phone call.
Liz Carpenter

Jun, 10 2010     122 chars (1 sms)     1892 views       Quatations

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"Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."
-Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
"Follow your bliss."
-Joseph Campbell (1904-1987)
Single person can make the difference and enable the world to seems its prescence
"The universe is but one vast Symbol of God."
-Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)
The purpose of life is to listen - to yourself, to your neighbor, to your world and to God and, when the time comes, to respond in as helpful a way as you can find... from within and without.

Fred ''McFeely'' Rogers
U Are Not Resposible
For What People Thimk
About U
U Are Responsible For
What U Give Them To
Think About U ....

Remember To Positive
Attitude Always ....
You are the one
Who can better
handle your heart
that anyone else.
So don''t give it to
someone else and
complain that
"They Are Hurting It"
"The superior reasoning power...revealed in the
incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God."
-Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
When Prepare To
Travel Lay Out
All Your Clothes
All Your Money,
Half The Clothes
Twice The Money ...

[ Susan Heller ]
"You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."
-Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)
"Beauty in things exist in the mind which contemplates them."
-David Hume (1711-1776)
Coins always make sound,
But the currency notes are always silent.
So, when your value increases,
Keep yourself calm and silent.
Gud Day!