Surround yourself

Surround yourself
"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher."
-Oprah Winfrey (1954 -)

Jun, 10 2010     96 chars (1 sms)     2300 views       Quatations

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R e m e m b e r

"...Always be good with
the good
Never be bad with the
You can''t wash blood
with blood..."
Discovery consist of seeing what every one has seen, and

thinking what nobody had thought
To be trusted is the better complement than to be luved..
Happiness always lukz small
when we hold it in our hands,
but when we learn to share it..
we realize how big & precious it is..!!
Lots Of Ppl Want To Ride Wid U In The Limo,

Bt Wat U Want Is Some1 Who Wil Take The

Bus With U Wen The Limo Breaks Down

By Oprah Winfrey
"First We Make Our Attitude


Our Attitude Make Us..."

~.~ Denis Waitley ~.~
One who adopt patience,
will never be deprived of success though
it may take a long time to reach him.
~* A Great Feeling Quote *~

S o m e

O f

U s

F e e l

T h e

R a i n ,

O t h e r s

J u s t

G e t

W e t
When it rains

all d birds fly 4 Shelter.

But Eagle Alone Avoids d Rain

By Flying Above d Cloud.

MORAL : Problem is common 2 all,

But ATTITUDE Makes d Difference.../
"Peace cannot be kept by force.
It can only be achieved by understanding."
-Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Relationship Is Not
Holding Hands While
You Understand Each Other
Its About
Having Lots Of
Misunderstandings & Still
Not Leaving Each 0ther's
Hands . .
Don’t let someone become a priority in your life,
when you are just an option in their life…

Relationships work best when they are balanced.