SuNdAy''z SpEcIal

SuNdAy''z SpEcIal
SuNdAy''z SpEcIal

||~ If You Don''t Get Everything You Want,
Think Of The Things
You Don''t Get That
You Don''t Want. ~||

( Oscar Wilde )

Jun, 09 2010     147 chars (1 sms)     2161 views       Quatations

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I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep, I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.
Alaxandar The Great
Even my child too started 2
walk without any support.
but my wife still feels
2 hold my hand while walking..... :)
"Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life."
Dr. David M. Burns
"Because man and woman are the complement of one another,
we need woman"s thought in national affairs to make
a safe and stable government."
-Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902)
QuOtE oF tHe DaY:

The Best Way To

Succeed In Life

Is To Act On The

Advice We

Give To Others.
"When you see your brother, you see God."
-St. Clement of Alexandria (c.A.D. 150-c.215)
You are the one
Who can better
handle your heart
that anyone else.
So don''t give it to
someone else and
complain that
"They Are Hurting It"
"There is another reality enfolding ours-as close as our breath!"
-Don Pendleton (1927-1995)
sweetest part in lyf is 2 carry all da memories in lyf
but da tuffest part is 2 say gud bye 2 dat person whu is behind
all dose memories.....
Giving Your Son A
Is Better Than Giving
One Thousand Pieces
Of Gold ...

~ Chinese Saying ~
“When you sell a man a book, you don''t sell him 12 ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life.”
Christopher Morley
The hard reality of life

is that when u need advice,

everyone is ready to help u,

but, when u need help,

everyone is ready to advice u.../