If U Pick Up A

If U Pick Up A
If U Pick Up A Starving Dog And Make It Prosperous,It Will Not Bite You.

That Is Da Principal Difference Between A Man And A Dog.

Mark Twain

Jun, 10 2010     146 chars (1 sms)     2203 views       Quatations

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-Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993)
"I found that when I talk to the little flower or to the little peanut
they will give up their secrets..."
-George Washington Carver (1804-1903)
An Amazing QuOte:

sOmetimes in LIFE its difficult tO decide whats wrOng!!

A LIE that brings a SMILE Or the TRUTH that brings a TEAR
Very true n pAinful quote

"U ignore me in such An innocent wAy

,All i have is millions of questions 2 Ask

& u still dont hAve anythng to sAy"
IF Things R Happening According To Ur Wish,

U r Lucky!

But If They R Not,

U r Very Lucky,

Bcoz They R Happening According To God''s Wish.../

\... K33P SMiLiNG.../

[ ::. K?r?chi RoCK?rS .:: ]
"Follow your bliss."
-Joseph Campbell (1904-1987)
"Those things that nature denied to human sight,
she revealed to the eyes of the soul."
-Ovid (43 B.C.-17 A.D.)
"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved,loved for ourselves,or rather loved in spite of ourselves"
"You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."
-Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)
“We only live once, but once is enough if we do it right. Live your life with class, dignity, and style so that an exclamation, rather than a question mark signifies it!”
Gary Ryan Blair
Happiness always lukz small
when we hold it in our hands,
but when we learn to share it..
we realize how big & precious it is..!!
When The House Is Situated In An

Imbalance Place Then Why R U Praying

From God To Save It.How Can He Save It

U Have Already Been Destroy It