God gave you..

God gave you..
God gave you..

Two Legs to Walk
Two Hands to Hold
Two Ears to Hear
Two Eyes to See

But why did he gave you only one Heart?
Because he gave the other one to someone for you to find.

Jun, 10 2010     190 chars (2 sms)     2214 views       Quatations

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To Die in Luv For SumOne is Not THe Big Thing..To LivE in PaiN wiTh SmilE ForEver is The AchievemEnt.
"So many gods, so many creeds;
So many paths that wind and wind,
While just the art of being kind
Is all the sad world needs."
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850-1919)
Superb Quote:

"D Worst Pain In Life Is

When Someone U Know

Turns Into Someone U Knew"

Its Very Nice.

And Very True!
"Follow your instincts. That"s where true wisdom manifests itself."
-Oprah Winfrey (1954 -)
"You are the people who are shaping a better world.
One of the secrets of inner peace is the practice of compassion."
-Dalai Lama (1935 -)

is the precious lubricant that keeps all our relationships smooth and friction-free
IF Things R Happening According To Ur Wish,

U r Lucky!

But If They R Not,

U r Very Lucky,

Bcoz They R Happening According To God''s Wish.../

\... K33P SMiLiNG.../

[ ::. K?r?chi RoCK?rS .:: ]
"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher."
-Oprah Winfrey (1954 -)
"A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It is where the rich use public transport."

If You Want To Feel Rich,
Just Count All Of The Things
You Have That Money
Cannot Buy.

(Robert Marlowe)
"When you see your brother, you see God."
-St. Clement of Alexandria (c.A.D. 150-c.215)
" There''s not a note of mine that''s worth the nothing"