I celebrate myself

I celebrate myself
"I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you."
-Walt Whitman (1819-1892)

Jun, 10 2010     159 chars (1 sms)     2563 views       Quatations

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Some People Hear Their
Own Inner Voices With
Great Clarity & They
Live By What They Hear
Such People Become
Crazy Or They Become
Legends ...

~ Alexander ~
“When you sell a man a book, you don''t sell him 12 ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life.”
Christopher Morley
"God will not look your over for medals,
degrees or diplomas, but for scars."
-Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915)
You have to walk your own walk in this life.
And as you are traveling down your road,
Don’t look down at your feet.

Keep your head up and your eyes focused
on the road that reaches your goals.

"Try not to become a man of success but a man of value".

"Love is merely madness".

"life without a friend is death without a witness".
It is always the best policy
to speak the truth, unless,
of course , you are an exceptional
good liar.

Jerome K Jerome.
Giving Your Son A
Is Better Than Giving
One Thousand Pieces
Of Gold ...

~ Chinese Saying ~
"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher."
-Oprah Winfrey (1954 -)
. . . Ultimate Truth . . .

TIME Makes Us
Some PEOPLE Make
Such PEOPLE Becomes
Our LIFE . . . =))
Never Believe

A Crying Woman


A Smiling Man ... ;->

~ Russian Saying ~
Beautiful Quote.

True Happiness Consist Not In The Multitude of Friends,


In The Worth And Choice.
I''m Glad I Choose YOU!!!
"Every beauty which is seen here below by persons
of perception resemble more than anything else that celestial
source from which we all are come...."
-Michelangelo (1475-1564)