" S T R A N G E "

" S T R A N G E "
" S T R A N G E "

The First Symptom
In A Young Man Is
The First In A Woman Is,
It''s Boldness ...

~ Victor Hugo ~

Jun, 09 2010     142 chars (1 sms)     1962 views       Quatations

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When it rains

all d birds fly 4 Shelter.

But Eagle Alone Avoids d Rain

By Flying Above d Cloud.

MORAL : Problem is common 2 all,

But ATTITUDE Makes d Difference.../
"I May B Walking Slowly, Bt I Never Walk Backwards"

-Abraham Lincon.

"Whenever I Walk Backwards,Its 4 A Long Jump"

-Ben Johnson.
sweetest part in lyf is 2 carry all da memories in lyf
but da tuffest part is 2 say gud bye 2 dat person whu is behind
all dose memories.....
I want each of everyone who believe in God to be holy because Leviticus 19:1-2 say we should be holy because the Lord we serve is Holy.Amen
An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.” - Buddha
All Those Who Are
Struggling For Freedom
Today , Are Ultimately
Fighting For Beauty ...

[Albert Camus]
My Favourite Quote

Happiness Is
Good Health
And A Bad
"First We Make Our Attitude


Our Attitude Make Us..."

~.~ Denis Waitley ~.~
Best awarded words in london:

Eat yur food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food...
Beautiful quote:

"If the loser keeps
his smile,

the winner will lose
the thrill of victory...!!!
"For what is Mysticism? It is not the attempt to draw near to God,
not by rites or ceremonies, but by inward disposition?
Is it not merely a hard word for "The Kingdom of Heaven is within"?
Heaven is neither a place nor a time."
-Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)
one of the sadest fact of life
"its tough when someone special in your life starts to ignore you..but its even tougher to pretend that u dont mind.."