
Hazrat Ali
jo tumhein khushi mein yad aye samjho, tum us se muhabbat karte ho
or jo tumhein ghum mein yad aye to samjho, wo tum se nuhabbat karta hai.

Sep, 13 2011     151 chars (1 sms)     2624 views       Quatations

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"Love makes time pass away and time makes love pass away"
"You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."
-Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)
"There is another reality enfolding ours-as close as our breath!"
-Don Pendleton (1927-1995)
people who give importance to their happiness make other people unhappy from themselves.
I want each of everyone who believe in God to be holy because Leviticus 19:1-2 say we should be holy because the Lord we serve is Holy.Amen
" True love brings up everything-you''re allowing a mirror to be held up to you daily"
"I found that when I talk to the little flower or to the little peanut
they will give up their secrets..."
-George Washington Carver (1804-1903)
Single person can make the difference and enable the world to seems its prescence
Whenever I have knocked, a door has opened. Wherever I have wandered, a path has appeared. I have been helped, supported, encouraged and nurtured by people of all races, creeds, colors and dreams.
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
-Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)
Oprah Winfrey---
"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody''s going to know whether you did it or not."

"Effort Within The Mind Further Limits The Mind,
Because Effort Implies Struggle Towards A Goal And When You Have A Goal, A Purpose, An End In View
You Have Placed A Limit On d Mind..."

~*~ Bruce Lee ~*~