died SMS Messages63 messages

High Level Insult....

Little Johnny Was Sitting On A Bench Eating Sweets One After Another.

Man Nearby:
People Who Eat So Many Sweets Dont Live Long.

My Grandpa died When He Was 106 Years Old.

Did He Eat Many Sweets?

No, He Always Minded His Own Business
Kindly observe SILENCE for two minutes in the memory of those poor mosquitoes who died last night after sucking ur blood. .
''Banta is crying loudly.
Banta`s brother asks: Why are you crying?
Banta: My mother died.
Banta`s Brother: What a co-incidence! My mother died too! Boo hoo hoo!''
''Husband wanted to call the hospital
to ask about his pregnant wife,
but accidently called the cricket stadium.

He asks, “How’s the situation?”

He was shocked & nearly died on hearing the reply.

They said, “It’s fine. 3 are out,
hope to get another 7 out by lunch,
last one was a duck!”..:-P''
Patient : What are the chances of my recovering doctor?

Doctor : One hundred percent. Medical records show that nine out of ten people die of the disease you have. Yours is the tenth case I''ve treated. The others all died.
Clinton, Tony & Musharraf died and went to hell.
Clinton called America. Bill 40 rs
Tony called to England. Bill 70 rs
Musharraf called Pakistan. Bill 1 re
Clinton and Tony asked the STD owner, why is this difference?
He replied: Hell to hell is local.
One day a sardarji was sitting in his office on the
thirteenth floor building when a man came running in
to his office and shouted "Santa Singh your daughter
Preeto just died in an accident" Sardarji was in
panic.Not knowing what to do he jumped from his office
window. While coming down when he was near the tenth
floor he remembered he didn''t have a daughter named
Preeto. When he was near the fifth floor he remembered
he was not married.When he was about to hit the ground
he remembered he was not Santa Singh.
Pathaan''s wish: when i die,
I wana die like
my grandpa who died peacefuly in
his sleep not screamin like
all d passengers
in d bus he
was driving ;->
An amazing love story!

Once there was a mosquito and a dog,

who loved each other a lot.

1 day the mosquito got excited

& gave a love bite to d dog.

In response d dog also bcame emotional

& bit d mosquito.

Next day mosquito died of rabies

& dog died of malaria.

Yaar T.v On Karu Jaldi .. Amitabh Bachan died .


A paindo man was died..

GOD say him!

Main teno janat dey saaa..


Paindo bola,

Na jee Na

Main Te HONDA He Lay Saaa... ;->
He was a good man. He never smoked, drank & had no affair. When he died, the insurance company refused the claim. They said, he who never lived, cannot die!