bird SMS Messages98 messages

Nobody teaches Sun to rise,Fish to swim,birds to fly,
Plant to grow,Child to cry,& Nobody teaches a heart to
choose a friend like U....Good Night...
WAT IF I DIE???It wont matter 2 da sky;Same will b da earth;
Da land of my birth;I"ll b helpless & da birdz so brave"
Tat dey"d come & chirp on my grave;People"ll say she had brainz"
Some"ll say but in vain"Da sun will rise da sun will set;
There"ll b no change in da world i bet;There"d b a few
hearts only;Who after me"ll feel lonely;While living i
keep commiting sinzzz;If recorded"ll fill several binzzz;
& if i do some thing good & noble;People"ll remember me
as pious,honest & humble(((GOOD NITE)))TC
In bio practical:
Examiner:Tell me the name of
this bird by seeing it’s legs only?
Sardar:I don’t know.
Examiner:You failed, what’s your name?
Sardar:See my legs & tell my name
In a practical Exam
Examiner showed legs of bird n said:Tell the bird’s name
Sardar:I dont know
Exminer: U r failed.Wats ur name?
Sardar: You see my legs, and tell me.
All flowerz don''t represent Luv but..

Rose did it.

All birds can''t speak but..

Parrot did it.

All monkeys can''t read msgs but..

U did it. Welldone
In bio practical:
Examiner:Tell me the name of
this bird by seeing it’s legs only?
Sardar:I don’t know.
Examiner:You failed, what’s your name?
Sardar:See my legs & tell my name
Old phrase:
A bird in hand is better than 2 in Bush.
New phrase:
A Boot on Bush is better than 2 in foot.:-)
A Sardar & A Wife Were Walking Outside
When The Wife Said,
"Oh Look At The Dead bird!!!"

The Sardar Looked

At Sky & Said,

"Where, Where"???
Dead bird: A Sardar and a Paki were walking outside when the Paki said, "Oh look at the dead bird."
The Sardar looked skyward and said, "Where, where?"
The breeze has awakened the earth, and sun has coloured our world. The birds have added melody to the morning & I hope I am not late to wish you Gud Morning
Lost in a animal
farm I saw many

(>. .<)

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()(. .)()
( ( - ) )

( (..) )
HAILA TU BHI!?!?!!!!!
Height of preence of mind...
Once a teacher asked student "Tell the bird''s name by seeing its legs".
Student replied ," I cannot tell".
Teacher said "You are fail,What''s your name?".
Student replied ...... "See my legs and tell my name"