bird SMS Messages98 messages

When it rains

all d birds fly 4 Shelter.

But Eagle Alone Avoids d Rain

By Flying Above d Cloud.

MORAL : Problem is common 2 all,

But ATTITUDE Makes d Difference.../
A Sardar & A Wife Were Walking Outside
When The Wife Said,
"Oh Look At The Dead bird!!!"

The Sardar Looked

At Sky & Said,

"Where, Where"???
Don''t get trapped in this cycle of birth and death like birds and animals. Be firm in your goal and joyfully try to open the Heart Lotus
||. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .||

UsE WhAt TaLeNt YoU PoSsEsS. . .

ThE WoOdS wOuLd Be VeRy SilEnT If No birdS SaNg ThErE . . .

ExPeCt ThOsE ThAt SaNg BeSt

A little was flying in winter, it froze and fell to ground.
A cow came dropped some dung on it.
bird began to realise how warm it was and soon began to sing for joy.
A passing cat heard the bird and dug him out and ate him.
#Not everyone who drops shit on is your enemy.
#Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
#When you are in deep shit keep your mouth shut.
A bird Sitting On The Branch Of A Tree Is nOt Afraid Of The Branch Breaking Off BCoz..

The bird Trust''s


The Branches But Its OWN WINGS !
Nice Thought:

A Person Dreaming

Of An Ambition

Without Effort,

Is Much Similar

To A bird Flying

With Wings


No Legs To Land...!!!
A paper flying in air

is due to its luck

but a bird is flying due to its effort.

So if luck is not with u,

efforts r always there to support u.
/wiLd thoUgHT\

A Paper Flying In Air
Due 2 Its Luck

But A bird Is Flying Due 2 Its Effort.

So If Luck Is Not With U

Efforts are Always There 2 Support U :)
_-_-_- A Lovely Thought _-_-_-

"Worries are like a bird, let them fly over you..


Do not give them a chance to build a ''NEST'' on your head." (=
Wen it rains all d birds fly 4 Shelter.
Bt Eagle Alone Avoids d Rain By Flying Above d Cloud.
Problem is common 2 all But ATTITUDE define ALTITUDE.
Glory of the day, soundless and restrain
With dark clouds, and blessings of rains..

Clouds on way, the splashing of drops,
Cheers of birds, whispers of waves with fame…

Now soothing of rain, with rainbow’s name,
Praising in a way, this is blessed in all ways.