WAT IF I DIE???It wont matter 2 da sky;Same will b da earth;
Da land of my birth;I"ll b helpless & da birdz so brave"
Tat dey"d come & chirp on my grave;People"ll say she had brainz"
Some"ll say but in vain"Da sun will rise da sun will set;
There"ll b no change in da world i bet;There"d b a few
hearts only;Who after me"ll feel lonely;While living i
keep commiting sinzzz;If recorded"ll fill several binzzz;
& if i do some thing good & noble;People"ll remember me
as pious,honest & humble(((GOOD NITE)))TC

Jun, 07 2010     514 chars (4 sms)     2606 views       Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

I Wish That U Visualize
A Sweet Multi
Sequential Form
Of Idiosyncrasy
In d Meritorious Piece
Of Cerebral Brain
In Short
Good Night (:
To Meri Chahat Ka Ek Lafz b Na Parh Saka

Ey dil nasheen

Mein tery Diye Huey Dard Ki Kitab Parhty Parhty

Aksar So Jata hun

Good night
Goodnight, Sleep tight,
Don''t let the bed bugs bite,
if they do I''ll beat them with a shoe till they''re black and blue.

Please dont forget to

"Close your mouth"

gOod nIgHt
A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great.
Thank U my good friend lastly gud nite n sweet dreams...
Our Life Begins With Our Cry...

Our Life Ends With Others'' Cry...

Utilize This Gap & Laugh As Much As Psbl B/W Dese Cries!

Keep :-)Ing Always!

Good Night (:
B4 i go to sleep, u know what i do?
i think of u & when its my lucky nite, i dream of u.
i dont wanna wake up bcoz whn i do, u know what?
i just start missing you...

Gud Nite.
Sab So Gaye Khushi Khushi Apna Haal-e-Dil Suna Kar

Afsoos Ki Mera Koi Nahi Joh Mujhse Kahe Tum

Kyu Jaag Rahe Ho…..

Good Night
Have you ever experienced a time in your life

when you felt so empty for no reason?

Have you ever felt so down but you just can''t tell why?

Have you ever felt like the world suddenly spins around you,

and you are caught in the middle going nowhere?

Weird, isn''t it?

But that''s the beauty of being human…

it is knowing that there is a purpose for each existence,

and whatever that may be,

it is also the reason why we still wake up breathing each morning,

to discover that missing piece of puzzle that would make our lives complete.

Have a nice sleep!
G|''"""''\ |"''|
U| |\ \_| I G H T
D|__| \____|

HvE NiCe slEepY


Sweet Dreamz
No matter the sky is black or blue, no matter there''s stars or moon, as long as ur heart is true, sweet dreams will always be wif u. Gd Nite!
I think Ur eyes are
tired looking @ this world
reflecting through light,
Let Ur eye lashes hug
ech other 4 few hours.
Happy journey into
ThE dReAm WoRlD

Good Night ... (: