WAT IF I DIE???It wont matter 2 da sky;Same will b da earth;
Da land of my birth;I"ll b helpless & da birdz so brave"
Tat dey"d come & chirp on my grave;People"ll say she had brainz"
Some"ll say but in vain"Da sun will rise da sun will set;
There"ll b no change in da world i bet;There"d b a few
hearts only;Who after me"ll feel lonely;While living i
keep commiting sinzzz;If recorded"ll fill several binzzz;
& if i do some thing good & noble;People"ll remember me
as pious,honest & humble(((GOOD NITE)))TC
Jun, 07 2010
514 chars (4 sms)
Good Night
Good night my very special friend,
I pray you lay in rest,
And may tomorrow bring you
Much love and happiness.
Do not think of me…i m in ur eyes, in ur heart
Good Night
U might b sleeping
U might b awake
there’s a feeling i
just cant shake…
I know deep inside
this feeling is right
the uncontrolable
urge 2 say….