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Think of life as a great road trip ... if you spend too much time looking back at where you''ve been, you''ll miss what''s ahead.....!!!!!
There r two things u can do after waking up in the morning....

Go back to sleep and continue ur dream...

Get up and chase ur dream...
One fine day,all of us wil get busy with our lives,long working hours,friends and sms,won''t have time for ourselves,at such a day you''ll look outside your
window and see the good old memories flash you by and you''ll get a smile with a tear in your eyes and you''ll turn back to your work thinkin i wish i could go
back.. thank u for being a part of such memories
Four Things Never Come back:

The Triggered Bullet,

The Spoken Word,

The Wasted Time,

The Neglected Opportunity !

So,Think Twice,Act Wise.
ScHoOL buNkErs
back beNchERs
Car RAceRS
sTudY HaTErS
cLasS DhoOmER
strEAt tAKerS
pArtY mAkerS
EaV tEaSeRs

If U Find The Whole World Behind U & U Are Alone On One Side Than What Will U Do ?

Very Simle . . . .

Just Turn back & U''ll Become The Leader Of Whole World . . .
Think Positive . . .
I always knew that looking back on my tears would someday make me laugh but i never knew that looking back on my laughter would someday make me cry...
" A Relation Is "

When Sum1 Hurts U , U Don''t Hurt back

When Sum1 Shouts At U , U Don''t Shout back


When Sum1 Needs U , U Always come back
"Time is lyk a river! U cann''t touch the same water twice bcoz the flow that hz passed vil nevr pass again. "njoy evry *Moment of life cuz it wil never cum back..,
I wonder what would happen if we treat our Quran like we treat our phones.
What if we carry it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we turn back to o get it if we forget it?
What if we flip through it several times a day?
What if we use it to receive messages from the text?
What if we give it to kids as gifts?
What if we use it as we travel?
If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up?”
UnErAsAbLe MoMeNtS oF LiFe ... !!!

Giving Someone A Hug When U Need It The Most Urself !

Fighting back The Tears In ur Eyes Juz To Wipe Of Someone Else''s Tears

Listening To Somebody''s Grief When Ur Misery To b Heard

Being d Reason Of Smile On Someone''s Face Whn Ur Own Smile Is Lost ...

Think Upon It .. !!!