If U Find The Whole

If U Find The Whole
If U Find The Whole World Behind U & U Are Alone On One Side Than What Will U Do ?

Very Simle . . . .

Just Turn Back & U''ll Become The Leader Of Whole World . . .
Think Positive . . .

Jun, 19 2010     200 chars (2 sms)     2077 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

When days and years will glide by. .

And u''ll cart an eye.

U''ll remember there was someone sincere. . .

Who left a kind rememberance here. . !!
English Wonder

These Words Have Something In Common...
Banana, Dresser, Grammar, Potato, Revive, Uneven

Could U identify ?

In each of the words listed,
Move 1st letter to the end of the word and read backwards.
It spells the same... (:->
If U Find The Whole World Behind U & U Are Alone On One Side Than What Will U Do ?

Very Simle . . . .

Just Turn Back & U''ll Become The Leader Of Whole World . . .
Think Positive . . .
Mosam shabab ka,
Nasha sharab ka,
Parda janab ka or rang gulab ka,
in sabme haseen , in sabme Lajawab dekho SMS padne wala "Chehara Janab ka."
Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu.
when someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner,
and someone saw my grin.
when he smiled I realized.
I’d passed it on to him!
I thought about that smile,
then I realized it’s worth.
a single smile just like mine,
could travel round the Earth
Everyday I see Lots of Strangers
Passing By me,
Dis make me realize dat,
Life would b BORING,

Widout YOU!
Keep the smile,
Leave the tear,
Think of joy,
Forget the fear ,
Hold the laugh,
Leave the pain,
Be jouyous till i sms again
Memories sometimes
behave in a crazy way....
They leave you alone when
you are in a crowd....
& when you are alone they
stand along with you like a
You can fool all of the people all of the time if the advertising is right and the budget is big enough
There r 2 great days in a human''s lyf-

''''the day we r born


the day we prove y we born"
In the end,
only 3 things matter the most:
How fully u lived,
how deeply u loved
how well u learned to let go of things not meant for u!
If I Could Reach Up And Hold A Star For EveryTime You Made Me Smile. . .
I Would Have The Whole Night Sky In The Palm Of My Hand. . .