Ek BohAt KhubsurAt JuMLA

Ek BohAt KhubsurAt JuMLA
"Ek BohAt KhubsurAt JuMLA"

"ALLAH Ko Paa Kar Kabhi Kisi Ne Kuch Nahi Khoya,

Or ALLAH Ko Kho Kar Kabhi Kisi Ne Kuch Nai Paaya.../

Jun, 18 2010     136 chars (1 sms)     2150 views       Decent

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Why do Girls eat Chocolates after a break up?
The Sweetness of chocolates makes them forget the Bitterness of the break up.

Why do Guys drink after break up?
The bitterness of alcohal makes them forget the Sweetness of the girl..... =O

Is that so ... ;)
When any tension creps in ur mind, just close ur eyes,
think of me and see ur fingers u wil find my fingers clutched into ur fingers.
I m
Wid u
Luvles lyf iz like a fruitles tree
frndles lyf iz like a rootles tree
Tree can live widout fruit but not widout roots
Extreme of fashion?

Dhotee with zip

Extreme of secrecy?

Blank visiting card

Extreme of stupidity?

lookin throgh a keyhole of a glass door.

Extreme of Dehydration

A cow giving milk powder.

Extreme of Kanjusi.

A man after accident lying on the road giving misscalls to Edhi.
Time Doesn''t Wait For
U or Me
Days Pass n Years Pass
U Miss Ur Best Ones
U Move Away From Ur
Close Ones
Ur Life Changes
Frnds Change
Ppl Change
Ur Heart Has Those
Precious Moments
Etched In It
Wether U Want It
Ot Not
Its Always There
Making U Happy At Sad
Times n Making U Sad
Even At Happier Times
Ur Heart Has Those
Moments In Tht Corner
Where No One Can See
What It Is
So Enjoy Every Moment
Of Life

Have A Beautiful Life (:
Whoever You May b
Wherever Life Leads
You r Always
A Mom''s Child
A Dad''s Dream
A Family Future
A Frend''s Heart
Someone''s Life
Be The Best It :)
The person who risks nothing,
does nothing,
has nothing.
He may avoid suffering & sorrow,
He simply can''t learn & feel & change
& grow & love & live...
I Laugh , I love , I Hope
I Try , I Hurt , I Need ,
I Fear , I Cry & I Know
You Do The Same Things Too
We Are Really Not That

''''Me & You'''' (:
The Most Difficult Lesson
To Larn In Life Is.....

Which Hand U Hold For
Ur Life Time.....


Which One To Break Off....
0334 3004071

is number se call Aye to ignore Nhi karna.



Din k liye udaas ho jao gay.
It Is Said That
When U Laugh, U r Praying To God


When U Make Other Laugh

Then God Himself Prays 4 U

So Stay Happy & Be The Reason 4 Other''s Happiness =)
Decisions are the hardest move to make. Especially when its a choice between where you should be and where you want to be. :)