Meaning of life

Meaning of life
Meaning of life...

Happiness is not something you find, It''s something you create.

Nothing in this world is IMPOSSIBLE as the word is "I M POSSIBLE".

LIFE IS NO WHERE - can be read as - LIFE IS NOW HERE.

This is the reality of life. It depends how you treat it. Be Positive. Keep smiling, it improves your face value.../

Jun, 19 2010     342 chars (3 sms)     2273 views       Decent

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If U Depressed Confused Or Hurt
Dont Worry..

Go In front Of Mirror ,

U Vl Find D Best Person

Who Vl Solve All Ur Problems..!!
I said to God that " I Hate Life !! "
God replied "Who asked you to love life?? ........
Just Love me and Life will be beautiful!"
In d Rhythm Of Life
V Sumtymz Find
Ourselves Out Of Tune
As Long As
Dere''s Sum1 Whch
Bcomz Our Melody
d Music Plays On
ThanQ 4 Being
One Of My Best Songs .. (:
The smallest gestures
that go right to the
Heart ...

A Smile from a
stranger when U r
lost in crowd

An old friend calling
from distant land
just 2 say ''I Miss U''

The touch of mother''s
hand on Ur forehead
when U r unable 2

Friend asking U Wh8z
wrong U thought
no one noticed

A hand on Ur shoulder
when it feels like the
world is against U

An unexpected, but
badly needed Hug from
the 1 U love the most

I Pray
U Get All These
When U Need ... (:
Someone Remembers, Somebody Cares, YOUR Name Is Whispered In Somebody’s Prayers, Keep The Bright Hope Of Sunshine In View, Someone Is Warmly Thinking Of You
One hurts you, so that you may find someone who can heal you.
If nobody is there to hurt u, u will never know d person who cares for U.
When you are alone
Don''t think of those
Who are not with you
But think of those
Who always wants to be with you-:)
i kept all my feelings for u in a glass n put it in a locker.....
but today when i was filling it up with more ur phone rang...and the glass broke......
It’s not your mistake if you can''t read
the eyes which cheats u but it''s really
your mistake if you can''t read the
eyes which cares you.
U may miss me,

You may ignore me,

U may even forget me.

But one day if you want to see me

Do not search,

just see your shadow.

I will be there.

Trust me!!!
Lyf Is Lyk A Vu Frm The Window ..
U Can''t Change The Window
Even If U Dont Lk It
But U Can Change The Way U Look At It
Then U''ll See How Beautifull Lyf Is ....
''TIME'' Is A Rare Luxury Which Can Never Be Purchased At Any Cost......
So When Someone Spends It With You...
It Defines The Depth Of Care They Have For You...!