LiFe Is LiKe PiAnO . . .
WhItE KeYs RePrESeNt HaPpInEsS & BlAcK OnEs ShoWs SaDnEsS . . .
BuT As U Go ThRoUgH LiFe . . .
ReMeMbEr ThAt
ThE BlAcK KeYs MaKe MuSiC ToO . . .
Some Times God Wants Us To Meet A Few Wrong Ppl
By Meeting The Right One So That
When V Finally Meet The Right Person. We''ll Know
How To Be GrateFull To That Gift ..
"A goal is not the same as a desire, and this is an important distinction to make. You can have a desire you don''t intend to act on. But you can''t have a goal you don''t intend to act on."