
I always wanted to be punctual,

When i became punctual.
I realized that.....
"Punctuality is the art of waiting for the careless people"

Jan, 23 2012     137 chars (1 sms)     2516 views       Decent

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I wonder what would happen if we treat our Quran like we treat our phones.
What if we carry it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we turn back to o get it if we forget it?
What if we flip through it several times a day?
What if we use it to receive messages from the text?
What if we give it to kids as gifts?
What if we use it as we travel?
Kaash aisa ho k ab k bewafai mein karo
Tu phiray qarya ba qarya koo ba koo meray liye
Mein tu la-mehdood ho jao samandur ki tarah
Tu phiray darya ba darya jo ba jo merya liye
Instead Of Thinking About What You''re Missing,

Try 2 Think About
What You Have That Everyone Else Is Missing.."

Life Will Be Happy...:)
always be the reason of someone happiness,
never be just a part of it.
a part of someone sadness,
but never be the reason for it.
Remmember u r born 2 live........

don''t live bcoz u r born........

don''t go the way life takes u.......

take life the way u go........

the most difficult phase of life is not when no 1 understands u.........

it is when u don''t understand ur self.........
Make a mind which never mind.
Make a heart, which never hurts.
Make a touch, which never pains.
& Make a relation, which never ends.
You can kiss Your "Family & Frnds" good-bye
Put miles b/w You,
But at the same time
You carry Them with You
in Your heart, mind & stomach,
"You don''t just live in a world but a world lives in You" =)
Loving Urself Is


Caring 4 Some1 Can b


U Mi8 Nt Remember A
Small Act Od Caring


It Mi8 b d Brightest
Moment In Some1''s
Life =)
Ishq ke sahare jiya nahi karte,

Gum ke pyalo ko piya nahi karte,

Kuchh Nawab dost hain hamare,

Jinko Preshan na kar''o to wo yaad bhi kia nahi karte. . . ;->
If two friends ask you to judge a dispute, don''t accept, because you will lose one friend; on the other hand, if two strangers come with the same request, accept because you will gain one friend......
Line maarne k boht saare tareekey hein jin meinse 3 mandarja zail hain.
1)Pen se,
2)Pencil se,
3)Marker se.

Think Positive Yaar
Trust is like an elastic

being stretch by two people.

As long as u hold on it,

ul be happy.

The moment one leaves,

the other gets the terrible pain.