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--until your car or home is paid off
--until you get a new car or home
--until your kids leave the house
--until you go back to school
--until you lose ten pounds
--until you gain ten pounds
--until you finish school
--until you get a divorce
--until you get married
--until you have kids
--until you retire
--until summer
--until spring
--until winter
--until fall
--until you pass away...
There is no better time than right now to be happy.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
So -- work like you don''t need money, Love like you''ve never been hurt, And dance like no one''s watching.
U live …u die …u learn something..
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot...

who calls you back when you hang up on him...

who will stay awake just to watch you sleep...

wait for the guy who kisses your forehead...

who holds your hand in front of his friends...

this is Love ,true love will knock on your heart Anytime...
Love isn''t love until you give it away,

so give it wings and let it go,

if it''s meant to be it will fly right back to you!
Love Is Not Love Untill You Give It Away

So Give It Wings & Let It Go

If It’s Meant To be, It’ll Fly Right back To You . . .
When Lots Of People Start 2 Luv U
U May Get Confused Whom 2 Luv
Just Tell Them I Hate U
Evry1 Will Get back
Bt Not d Person Who Luves U

Th3 HAnDsoM3
D3v|L ;->
When u W8 For Someone 4 Few Mins

4 Few Hrs

4 Few Yrs


Whn U W8 Whn U Know HE/SHE Won''t back
I Will Work Hard To Get You back.
I Will Be The Best Person For You.
I Will Beat The Problems In My Life.
I Will Wait For You And Trust You That You Will Come back.
Starting Frm Here

Lets Make A Promise

U & ME

Let Just B Honest

V Gonna Run
Nothing Can Stop Us

Even The Night Fall
So Around Us

My Love 4 U
Always 4ever


U & ME

All Else Is Nothing

Not Gonna back
Not Gonna back Dere

They Don''t Understand

They Don''t Understand Us

They Not Gonna Get Us ...

If You Love Someone,
You Would Be Willing To
Give Up Everything For
If They Loved You
back, They Would
Never Ask You To ...
L o v e
Is Lot Like
A backache ...
It Doesn''t Shown Up On
X-rays ...
You Know
Its There ... :)
While Dad Was Polishing His New Car,

His 4 Yr Old Son Picked Stone & Scratched Lines On The Side Of The Car.

In His Anger, Dad Took The Child''s Hand & Hit It Many Times, Not

Realizing He Was Using A Wrench.

At The Hospital, His Child Said "Dad When Will My Fingers Grow back?"

Dad Was So Hurt.

He Went back To Car And Kicked It A Lot Of Times.

Sitting back He Looked At The Scratches, Child Wrote "I LOVE YOU DAD"

Anger And Love Has No Limits...
I always knew that looking back on my tears would someday make me
laugh, but I never knew that looking back on my laughter would
someday make me cry. Miss you.