Tear SMS Messages293 messages

Some times I feel Tears in your laughing
Some times I feel sadness in your happiness

But It is true friendship when you know unexpressed emotions of your friend
Fish said to water: You can't see my Tears because I am in water…
Water replied: But I can feel your Tears because you are in my heart..

It is Friendship which enables you to know your friend's feeling.
Never keep your good friends in your eyes
They may fall as Tears from your eyes
Always place them in your heart
So that every heart-beat remind you
I hide my Tears when I say ur name, But the pain in my heart is still the same, Although I smile & seem carefree, There is no one who misses u more than me..
An anniversary is a time to remember
about a couple’s life.
A time to recognize that the strongest bond
is the love between husband and wife.
Through times of happiness and times of sadness,
love grows continually and they become as one heart,
The other staying with them, in memory,
even when they are apart.
Each anniversary is special and may cause a shed Tear,
for the bond grows ever stronger and stronger
When love is shared for another year.
Anyone can make you SMILE,
anyone can make you CRY,
But it is that special person
That can make you smile with Tears in your eyes.
"Tears of EYES are Valuable"
"Speech of LIPS are Powerful"
"Heart With LOVE is Beautiful"
"Life with FRIENDS is Most
Wonderful".. !!
Always try to be more sensitive about peoples feelings.

Because sometimes a Tear means happiness and a smile means hurt..
In a quiet night, a quite Tear rolls down

my cheeks and make a quiet wish,

May you are here with me

Sitting hand in hand, in this lonely night,

expressing lovely feelings,

We have for each other.

I wish you were here to say, “I love you” to me.
A daily thought…

A silent Tear

A Constant wish that u r near…

Words are few but thoughts r deep…

Memories of our frenship i’ll always keep!!
“I Love Walking in Rain
So That No One Can See My Tears”,
It’s a Bit Old One
. Do You Know The Latest One??
“I Love Walking in Any Season,
Petrol is Now "78 INR" Per Litre”.
"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the Tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold,
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be.