Tear SMS Messages293 messages

when u r sad.........i will try ur Tears
when u r scared.........i will confort ur fears
when u r worried........i will give u hope
when u r confused.......i will give u cope
and when u r lost.......and cant see the light
i shall be ur beacon.....shining ever so bright
this is my oath........i pledge tillthe end
why u may ask?........because u r my friend
The feeling of friendship starts from the eyes.

If u try to close ur eyes,

friendship turns in to a drop of Tear

and remains in ur heart forever
I’m crying,
The Tears are slowly going,
I’ve got a problem,
I can find a way out,
I’ve got a friend.
My friend has got a friend.
I’m a friend with my friend.
A friend is not a friend,
Without a friend,
That’s my friend,
My friend,
Who’s got a friend.
Friendship Is Like The Relation Between Hand And Eyes
When Hand Get Hurt Eyes Cry And
When Eyes Cry Hands Wipe Off
Its Tears.........
A daily thought...

A silent Tear...

A Constant wish that u r near...

Words are few but thoughts r deep...

Memories of our frenship i''ll always keep!!
Just like a rose. So precious and rare .
Is the forever friendship the two of us share.
Planted with kindness it''s warmed by the sun of caring ad sharing.
laughter and fun .
It''s grounded in trust ad nurtured by love .
With a sprinkling of grace from god up above.Tears of sadness ad joy .
Like dew.
Renew this friendship i share with u.Add in the heart''s garden.
We find the room 2 be ourselves, 2 grow ad bloom, a blessing of beauty unsurpassed,our friend''s a flower that will always last.
Sum Can Give U Crying Tears . . .
Many Others Can Give U Laughter, Smile . . .
But Only Few Can Give U
Laughing Tears n Crying Smiles . . .
Those Are Simply
FRRIENDS. . . :)
The Friend Who Luv u Will Fight U More too Bt If

u Drop a Tear He Will Fight Da World 2 Stop Ur Tears So

Never Lose The Loving Friend ) Like ME ;)

”H” is for Happiness The way I feel when we are together.

”I” is for Inseparable Through good times and bad, Tears and
laughter. A friend will always be there for you.

”P” is for Perfect The friendship.......
Good Friends Are One In A Million.
Good Friends Are Stories To Share.
Good Friends Know The Path To Your
Happiness, And They Walk With You
All The Way There.

Good Friends Are Lives Overlapping.
Good Friends Are Laughter And Tears.
Good Friends Are Emotions So Deep
That The Trust Just Keeps Growing
A sweetest frnd is like a pillow..

when u r tired u sleep on it..

when u r sad u drop Tears on it..

when u r angry u punch it..

when u r happy u hug it... :->
Hundred Words Of A Friend Can Never Give Pain


A True Friend''s Silence Can Give Hundred Tears In Heart . . .