I’m crying

I’m crying
I’m crying,
The tears are slowly going,
I’ve got a problem,
I can find a way out,
I’ve got a friend.
My friend has got a friend.
I’m a friend with my friend.
A friend is not a friend,
Without a friend,
That’s my friend,
My friend,
Who’s got a friend.

Jun, 17 2010     262 chars (2 sms)     2247 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Fake / Real

Fake Frnz: Never Ask
For Food
Real Frnz: Are The
Reason You Have No

Fake Frnz: Never Seen
You Cry
Ral Frnz: Cry with You

Fake Frdz: Borrow Your
Stuff For Few Days
Thn Give It back
Real Frnz: Keep Your
Stuff So Long They
Forget Its Yourz

Fake Frnz: Knew Few
Things Abt You
Real Frnz: Could Write
A Book Abt You Wid
Direct Quotes From You

Fake Frnz: Are For
A While
Real Frnz: Are For Life ... (:
I keep memories of all our special times
tucked in my heart n wen i remember those times,
I smile n fall in luv with
our friendship all over again.
The Light Of


Is Like The Light Of


Seen Plainest When

All Around Is Dark ... (:
A friend is like an angle, who lifts us off our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly
The world is like a mirror if u face it smiling, it smiles right back.
A Friend Is One Who
Advise You To Study


A Best Friend Is One
Who Stands In
Examination Hall n Says

"Abay Kitna Likhega?
Larkiya''n Ja Rahi Hyn" ;->
Trusting a friend should be like
the belief of a one year old child....
When you throw him in the air,
he laughs because he knows
you will catch him....
Just A Note 2Say That Our Friendship Has No ENding & Its Grows On & ON

Just A Note
Friendship Help UsOpen Our Heart In Way That We Thought Were Never Possible

Just A Note

Thankyou 4 Being EveryThing 2 Me
ThankYou 4 Being My Friend
One tree can start a forest,
One Smile can start Friendship ,
One touch can show luv n care,
& One friend like u can make life worth-living!
Without humor, life sucks.
Without love, life seems hopeless.
But without a friend like you,
Life is nearly impossible.
The 2 Mst Misused Wrds In the Entire Englsh Vocabury r Luv & Frndshp
A True Frnd Wud Die 4 U, So Whn U Start Counting Dem On 1 Hand, U Don’t Need Many Fingers
"Pain Of Missing Friends

Is Realised When U R Alone

Watching A Gang Of Friends

Enjoying In Front Of U

And U Remembring D Past

Which U Spent With Ur Friends. . .
A nice quote by a true friend
"I don't care when you disturb me, it disturbs me when you don't disturb me"