I’m crying,
The tears are slowly going,
I’ve got a problem,
I can find a way out,
I’ve got a friend.
My friend has got a friend.
I’m a friend with my friend.
A friend is not a friend,
Without a friend,
That’s my friend,
My friend,
Who’s got a friend.
A friend is like an angle, who lifts us off our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly
The world is like a mirror if u face it smiling, it smiles right back.
Trusting a friend should be like
the belief of a one year old child....
When you throw him in the air,
he laughs because he knows
you will catch him....
The 2 Mst Misused Wrds In the Entire Englsh Vocabury r Luv & Frndshp
A True Frnd Wud Die 4 U, So Whn U Start Counting Dem On 1 Hand, U Don’t Need Many Fingers