Tear SMS Messages293 messages

May Be A Hundred
Bitter Words

Will Not Give Pain

But A

Special Friend

Silence Brings More Tears To The Heart

So Always Keep In Touch .
When U Feel Alone
Wanna Shade
Some Tears ...


You Need A Person
In Face Of A

Best Friend

U Need A Shoulder
To Cry On ...

Then Come To Me ... =)
So Many Hands
In 1 Tiffin Box

So many Friends
In 1 Bench

So many Calls On
1 B''day Nites

So Many Tears For
1 Little Fight

Friends Are The
Best Parts Of Our
Life ... =)
One Who Just Smiles

At U All Times

Does Not Become Ur True Friend..,

But 1 Who Fills Ur Soul

With Love & Wipes Ur

Tears Is Ur Real Friend...
I Will Alwayz Beside U

Until The Very End

Wiping All Ur Tearz Away

Being Ur Best Friend

I Will Smile When U Smile

& Feel All The Pain U Do

& If U Cry A Single Tear

I Promise I Cry Too
One Who Just Smiles At U All times Doesn''t Become Ur True Friend


One Who Fills Ur Soul With Love & Wipes Ur Tear

Is Ur Real Friend …:)
A best f.r.i.e.n.d
is like
a t.i.s.s.u.e

when you have Tears
need to be wiped

they always do the
job ... :)
Frndshp is a chain of gold.

Each link is a smile,

a Tear,

a laugh,

a grip of d hand,

a word of cheer

No matter how heavy d load,

I''ll b ur Friend
A dEeP fRiEnDsHiP
Is LiKe A RaInBoW
WhEn ThE pErFeCt
AmOuNtS oF
hApPiNeSs & TearS
aRe MiXeD,
ThE ReSUlT iS a CoLoRfUl
bRiDgE bEtwEeN tWo HeArTs ... :)
A moment of joy spent
under a willow,
The Tear of eye that
wets ur pillow,
Sometimes pain
Sometimes pleasure
When given by Friends,
Both are treasure ! (:
A moment of joy spent
under a willow,
The Tear of eye that
wets ur pillow,
Sometimes pain
Sometimes pleasure
When given by Friends,
Both are treasure ! (:
A "Friend" Is One
Special Person Who
Can Pull Out A
Happy Tear From
Your Eye ...
Even If You Don''t
Have Tears To
Cry ... (: