Tear SMS Messages293 messages

When U Like Someone And When They R Not With U,

U Feel U Must Talk To Them,

Convey Them U Miss Them A Lot

But All These Feelings Are Expressed As Tears.

But When U Really See Them,

U Dont Talk,U Remain Silent.

Its The Place Where Silence Speaks

More Than Words.
The Most Touching Lines

Written By

A Man To His Love:

"Ever U Miss Me,

Never U Cry.

For A Drop Of Tear In Ur Eyes,

Is A Day Less In My Life."
Tears R Better Than Smile Because,

U Can Smile at Everyone,




U''ll Cry For Only One,


Who is Special to ur Heart..

Thinking of You - Death is only a phase everyone goes through but the love remain strong in the hearts of those who remain. See how even death cannot Tear a husband love apart from his wife.
Love begins with a smile ...

Grows with a kiss ...


Ends with a Teardrop ...
Love Is 2 Souls
Intertwined In Such
A Way You Can''t Find
Their Meeting Place
Nor Can You Tear It
Apart It Is One
Embodiment Of
Pleasure & Pain ,
Joy & Sorrow ....
I Love To Walk In The Rain,
Cause No One Can Feel My Pain.
No One Can See Me Cry,
Cause Tears Mix With Them And Finally Die.
Falling In Luv Wid Sum1
Isn''t Always Gonna B
Anger, Tears,
Its Whn U Wanna B
2gether Despite It All
Thts Whn U Truly Love
Another ...
if Tears Colud Bulid A StairWay,
And Memories A Lane,
I''d Walk Right Up to heaven
And Bring You Home Again....

If You Fall In Love,
Send Words
I Will Come
If I Am Alive
If I Am Not
I Will Come Through
Your Tears,
Through Your Feelings
Through Your Dreams
If Yur Heart Miss S0me0ne,

If Yur Eyes Have Tears F0r S0me0ne,

If Yur Life Has Time & Space F0r S0me0ne,

Then Yu Realy L0VE That S0me0ne!
Each drop of a Tear is costly

than anything in world!


no one knows its value

until they have it

in their own eyes for someone!