Fish said to water

Fish said to water
Fish said to water: You can't see my tears because I am in water…
Water replied: But I can feel your tears because you are in my heart..

It is Friendship which enables you to know your friend's feeling.

Dec, 13 2014     204 chars (2 sms)     2286 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

10 messages received,
1, HI,
2, Hello,
3, I miss U,
4 How r U?,
5, hope ur fine,
6, keep smilling,
7, Take Care,
8, God bless U,
9, Be happy,
10, Gud night.!
Respect those friends who find time for you

In their busy schedule.

But really love those friends who never see their

Schedule when you need them
dosti ki raho mai kabhi akelapan na mile,
aai dost zindagi mai tumhe kabhi gum na mile,
dua karte hai hum khuda se,
tuhme jo bhi dost mile hUM se kam na mile.
A Friend Is One Who
Advise You To Study


A Best Friend Is One
Who Stands In
Examination Hall n Says

"Abay Kitna Likhega?
Larkiya''n Ja Rahi Hyn" ;->
Before I got inBefore I got in touch with u,
I used to gaze at stars as they were only my friends.
But after I met u,I started believing
that stars do fall on Earth.
Friendship is not built with special people.

People become special after becoming friends.

So the moral is: U r not special. I made u special..
Friends are a promise made in the heart.. Silent.. Unwritten.. Unbreakable by distance... Unchangeable by time. It''s lovely to have u as one!
"S T A Y"

Is A Charming Word

In A

Friend''s Vocabulary ...

"Stay In Touch" ... (:
A friendship can weather most things and
thrive in thin soil but it needs a little
mulch of letters and phone calls and small
silly presents every so often just to save it
from drying out completely
Friendship Is The Only Thing

In The World Concerning

The Usefulness

Of Which

All Mankind

Are Agreed...
Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont
you leave ur friend.I looked at moon and said does
ur sky ever leave u when u dont shine.
-Recipe Of Friendship-

2 Heaping Cups Of Patience
1 Heartful Of Love
2 Handfuls Of Generosity
1 Handful Of Understanding
A Dash Of Humour

Sprinkle Generously Wid Kindness & Plenty Of Faith
Mix Well
Spread Over A Period Of Life Time
Serve To Everyone You Meet (: