Painful SMS Messages27 messages

*>Ultimate Truth<*
"Its very easy to say that i am busy
when some one needs you...
But its very Painful to hear.
" i a m busy"
When you need some one.
The Most Painful

Moment Of Life Comes,

When The Care

Is Mistaken

As Disturbance!":-)
A heart breaking
isn''t always as loud
as a bomb exploding
Sometimes it can b as
quiet as a feather falling
The most Painful thing is,
no one really hears it
except U.
A Painful Phrase
Written By A Boy
Who Lost His Parents
In Tsunami ...

"Sea I Will Never
Forgive You Even If
Your Waves Touch
My Feet Million
Written By A Boy
Who Lost His Parents
In Tsunami ...

"Sea I Will Never
Forgive You Even If
Your Waves Touch
My Feet Million
Written By A Boy
Who Lost His Parents
In Tsunami ...

"Sea I Will Never
Forgive You Even If
Your Waves Touch
My Feet Million
i am sorry my tears
Coz I have trapped you ,
Whenever you wanted to flow
I have always stopped you.

I know inside for you
It is very suffocating ,
But even if you flow
Nothing you will be getting .

You will flow
And get vanished somewhere ,
And till that time
People will show that they do care .

So better don''t expect
Anybody''s sympathy ,
You are true
You don''t deserve false pity.

I know you wanna come out
To make me feel relieved ,
What you think ?
Will this make my wounds get healed?

Rather than you
Its more Painful for me
My dreams getting shattered
Is what everyday I see .
I Cry
Sometimes When I''m Alone
I Cry,
Cause I Am On My Own.
The Tears I Cry Are Bitter And Warm.
They Flow With Life But Take No Form
I Cry Because My Heart Is Torn.
I Find It Difficult To Carry On.

If I Had An Ear To Confiding,
I Would Cry Among My Treasured Friend,
But Who Do You Know That Stops That Long,
To Help Another Carry On.

The World Moves Fast And It Would Rather Pass By.
Then To Stop And See What Makes One Cry,
So Painful And Sad.
And Sometimes…
I Cry
And No One Cares About Why.
Big Fights Usually Break RELATIONS


MINOR Misunderstandings


The Fact Is

SPOILED Relations Are More Painful Then BROKEN ONES ...
Painful Thingz:
-Flashing ur smile to s0me0ne u d0n''t want to see!
-Kn0wing dat u have been used by s0me0ne U truly Luv!
-Trying to hide ur tears,
when they voluntarily fall from ur eyes!
-Learning to trust, after u''ve been betrayd!
-Convincing urself that u are not in luv, when u know that u are! ;->
4 d silent lover:

It hrts 2 luv sum1 & nt b lovd in return,

bt wht is more Painful is 2 luv sum1

& nvr find d courage 2 let tht prsn knw hw u feel.
It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is the most Painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel.
An unbeatable thot 4 d day.

"There is nothing more Painful than d person whom u luv is in ur arms,

crying 4 d person whom she loves"
It breaks your heart, to see the one you love is happy with someone else.........
its more Painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you........