Painful SMS Messages27 messages

Line said by a lover.....
''stab me frm bak cos it wil b less Painful tan to c u wit sum 1 else''..
HAPPY moments-"don''t forget me"

Difficult moments- "trust me"

Quiet moments-"call me"

Painful moments-"tell me"

Free moments-"miss me n sms me
Walk is easy
But walkng alone is tough
Being loved by some1 is secure
But loving some1 is insecure
Being missed by some1 is nice
But to miss some1 is Painful...
Walk is easy
But walkng alone is tough
Being loved by some1 is secure
But loving some1 is insecure
Being missed by some1 is nice
But to miss some1 is Painful...
Walk Is Easy
But Walk Alone Is Tough

Being Luved By Someone Is Secure
But Loving Someone Is Insecure

Being Missed By Someone Is Nice
But To Miss Someone Is Painfull
Very true n Painful quote

"U ignore me in such An innocent wAy

,All i have is millions of questions 2 Ask

& u still dont hAve anythng to sAy"
\=== ToDaYzZz ThOuGhT ===/

Think twice b4 leaving a space in sum1`s heart
coz itz Painful 2 realise how much u miss dat space
when u decide 2 go back $ find sum1 has taken ur place
World''s most Beautiful sentence:
"...But,I Like U"
World''s most Painful sentence:
"I Like U,But.."
Words r same, but where they r placed matters a lot...!
Golden rules to be happy:-

1. Never see any dreams.
2. Just live in 2day.
3. Dont love anybdy too much that it is Painful to leave.
4. Always believe that GOD sees everythng but waits to show mercy.
5. Forgive everybody 4 what he has done wrong 2 u.
6. Never tell ur pains to anybody. Not even urself.
Happy moments Dont forget me;Difficult moments-Trust me;Quiet moments-Call me; Painful moments Tell me;Every moment-Bless me;....Good Morning.....
Happy Moments - PRAISE ALLAH
Difficult Moments- SEEK ALLAH
Quiet Moments - WORSHIP ALLAH
Painful Moments - TRUST ALLAH
Moment By Moment - THANK ALLAH
Happy Moment
Praise ALLAH

Difficult Moment

Quiet Moment

Painfull Moment
Trust in ALLAH

Every Moment
Thanks only ALLAH