Happy moments

Happy moments
Happy moments Dont forget me;Difficult moments-Trust me;Quiet moments-Call me; Painful moments Tell me;Every moment-Bless me;....Good Morning.....

Jun, 08 2010     147 chars (1 sms)     2073 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

LiFe SuRrOuNdZ
eNgUlFz Us ...

CaPtUrEd As A pIcTuRe PeRfEcT oBjEcT...

rEmInDiNg Us EaCh DaY ...

tO eMbRaCe OuR eXiStAnCe ...

GuD mOrNiNg ... (=
Hey, good morning!

Rise and shine!

As you open your eyes

to greet the morning sun,

I wish that

you would be well and fine.

Have A Nice Day . . . :)
As the sky breaks into a beautiful Sunrise ...may GOD open the
window of heaven to shower U lots of blessings...Good Morning...
in Life, aLways remember one thing before doing something good or bad ..
“what you do
is what
defines you” …

Gud morning!
Welcome the new morning with a "Smile on ur Face",
"Love in ur Heart", " Good Thoughts in ur Mind" & you will
hv a wonderful day. Wish you a lovely Morning
Everyone Wants Happiness

No One Wants Pain

But Its Impossible

To Get A Rainbow

Widout Some Rain

GoOd mOrNnInG
No Ma88er Wh8 Happens 2day...
You Must Remember That
2day Will Be 2morrow''s Past
2morrow Will Be 2day

gOoOd MoRnInG

Have A Blessed Day (-:
An ideal day should begin with a cute little yawn on ur face!
A cup of coffee in ur hand And a message from me on ur mobile!!!
Hope uve had all the three!!!Good Morning...
Good Morningggggg
Behan Log Ko Salaam,
Dosto Ko Hi,
Buzurgo Ko Adaab
Girls Ko Pyar,
Aur Khas Ko Jaise K Aap,
Jadoo Ki Jhappi With Pappi . . . ;->
A night hug warms the heart, a night kiss brightens the day,
and a gd morning to start your day!
Life is like a Book: Each day a new page with adventures
to experience, lessons to learn and good deeds to replicate.
Have a COLORFUL PAGE today. Good Morning
God unfolds each day like the petals of a rose, each gentle touch a beauty to behold.
Hope each of your moments today be so held with His tender loving care.