Love you SMS Messages250 messages

I know i''m not a perfect friend,
You''re broken heart, i''ve tried to mend.
Instead i made you hurt and cry,
Maybe i should say goodbye.
Would it be better for me to go?,
I asked you, and you said "No".
Why say no when i hurt you so bad,
But believe me,
you''re not the only one that''s sad.
I made my best friend hurt like mad,
If i left would you be glad?.
Deep in my heart,
I''ll always know,
I''ll Love you always,
Even if i go!
"I''m Here, And I Love you.
I Have Always Loved You,
And I Will Always Love you.
I Was Thinking Of You,
Seeing Your Face In My Mind,
Every Second That I Was Away.
When I Told You I Didn''t Want You,
It Was The Blackest Kind Of Blasphemy."
I''m not supposed to Love you,
I''m not supposed to care,
I''m not supposed to live my life wishing you were there.
I''m not supposed to wonder where you are
or what you do...
I''m sorry I can''t help myself,
I''m in love with you.”
| t0dAyZ Th0uGhT |

Giving someone all your love is never an assurance
that they''ll Love you back!
Don''t expect love in return; just wait for it to
grow in their hearts, but if it doesn''t,
be contented it grew in yours
~ tOdAy tHoUgHt ~

Love your friends NOT their sisters,Love your sisters NOT their friends.
What Can You Do To Promote World Peace ?

Go Home And Love your Family...

~ Mother Teresa ~
!|¡!|¡ T o d a y z
T h o u g h t ¡|!¡|!

"It''s Easy To Say
"I Love you"


It''s More Meaningful To Thank Someone For Loving You..."
Lonely no, how can I be lonely when you are always in my
thoughts. I wake up with you and go to sleep with you.
I Love you.
You Cannot Make
Someone Love you
All You Can Do,
Is Be Someone
Who Can Be Loved ...

Good Morning
Have A Blessed Day (:
Sweetheart darling my only eyes that I even use to hear,
goodnite, sleep well 4tonite will be my wonderful nite withU
I Love you,for I cannt go any where minus eyes who is you.:
People Love Money but I Love U Honey, People Love red Shirt but I Love your red Heart, People Love black Ties but I Love your black Eyes,
People Love cold Air but I Love your black Hairs,
People Love sailing Ships but I Love kissing your Lips, People Love Ice Creams but I Love to see you in my Dreams

GooD NiGhT SwEeT HeArT :)
D smallest word is I,
the sweetest word is LOVE
and the dearest person
in the world is U.
tats y I Love you..:)