Love you SMS Messages250 messages

some love one .
some love two .
i love one .
that Love you . i want to one friend .
Last night I looked up at the stars and matched each one with a reason why I Love you I was doing great, but then I ran out of stars.
Always Remember

I Love you

More Than Words

Could Ever Show

And I Think Of U Always

Much More Than

You Could Know

And Now Until Forever

Always Remember This Too

There’s No One

I Could Ever Love

More Than

I Love you . . .
Its wonderful to wake up day after day adn to stretch out my hand and find that you r not a dream and that u r always there for me. . . Love you
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain; in order to Love you gotta risk the pain.
~ I Love you:

Perhaps the most important three words that you can say. Telling someone that you truly love them satisfies a person''s deepest emotional needs.

The need to belong, to feel appreciated and to be wanted. Your spouse, your children, your friends and you, all need to hear those three little words:

"I Love you."

Love is a choice. You can love even when the feeling is gone.
I will ForeI will Forever Lovever Love you I will Forever Care,
I will Forever live my life Wishing you Were There,
and as for long as I live I will never walk away,

As long as you promise me one thing..

If You Come to Me… You will stay?
I have painted a million of kisses for you.

I have filled an ocean of tears for you.

I have walked a thousand miles for you.

I have counted the stars for you.

I did that, all because I Love you.
I believe that God above created you for me to love.

He picked you out from all the rest cause He knew id Love you the best
a sweet little rabbit, just like you, because I Love you!! kisses...
8 letters

3 words

1 meaning. . .

I Love you . . . :)
When I lost you, I loved you more.
but, between the two of us, you lost the most..
coz i can love another the way I loved you.
But, you wud never be loved, the way I used to Love you..