Love you SMS Messages250 messages

When We Want To Talk

More Than Usual To
Our Dearest,

Sometimes We Can''t
Even Say Single Word,

Just The Silence

" ... I Love you ..." :)
Each Day ...

"I Love you More"

More Than


Less Than
"Tomorrow" ... :)
Let These Words
Not Only Touch Your
Let Them Travel Through
You Soul
Let Them Rest In Your
As You Rest In Mine ...
Love you (:
i die
YoU will go my graves.
Don''t cry.
Don''t say any thing.
Don''t give any flower.
don''t say anything.

just say
I Love you
The Greatest Distance
Earth Isn''t North And
It Is When I Am Right In
Of You And You Don''t
Know That

~ I Love you ~
to be honest with you sha i still Love you. i keep thinking obout you each and every day. when ever we are together i am happy and i wish that i could be more happier. please notice me, remember that i will always Love you in any way. i just dont know how to say that i am still in love with you babie!
Forever is not today,

not tomorrow or a century

that will come,

but a lifetime.

And I promise to Love you

It would be the perfect crime....
If i stole your heart
and you stole mine.

Let make it short and simple

I really Love you.
The Most Important
Thing Is Life Is ...
To Love Someone ...

The Second Most
Important Thing In
Life Is ...
To have Someone
Love you

The Third Most
Important Thing Is ...
To Have The First Two
Happen At The Same
Time ... ^_^
Each Day I am Holding a Hope to
Welcome the Next Day.

You know Why?
Because I am Waiting for You.

Even though I''m Laughing
But you didn''t Try to See My Feelings.

My Pains And my Life Without You
Just See Once You will Realize Then,
How Much I do Love you?
L o v e
Begins by taking care
Of the
Closest Ones !!!
The Ones At Home . . .

Love your Family . . . =)
While Dad Was Polishing His New Car,

His 4 Yr Old Son Picked Stone & Scratched Lines On The Side Of The Car.

In His Anger, Dad Took The Child''s Hand & Hit It Many Times, Not

Realizing He Was Using A Wrench.

At The Hospital, His Child Said "Dad When Will My Fingers Grow Back?"

Dad Was So Hurt.

He Went Back To Car And Kicked It A Lot Of Times.

Sitting Back He Looked At The Scratches, Child Wrote "I Love you DAD"

Anger And Love Has No Limits...