Love you SMS Messages250 messages

Love you
and i tried 3 years but i..
i need sometime to be for real
and i know its killing you
to be without me now
it was bound to happen sometime

i just hate to be the one
to break your heart and tear your world apart
it feels bad but feels good
watching you away from me
i dont wanna hurt yah!
its for our own goodd
i miss you and i Love you goodbye..

You make me feel special,
You make me feel new,
You make me feel loved,
With everything you do.

You hold me close when I am sad.
You wipe the tears from my face.
Every time we are together,
It seems like the perfect place.

My eyes light up when you enter a room.
I smile when we are together.
No matter how bad things are,
You always make them better.

I love the way you kiss me,
The way you hold me tight.
I love the way you touch me,
I could be with you all night.

I love the way you can make me laugh
For absolutely no reason at all.
I love how no matter what I do,
You will be there to catch me when I fall.

I just want you to know,
That even though we sometimes fight,
I will always Love you!
No matter what, day or night.
There Was No One But You
I Have Not Seen Any One Like You
Who Loved Me More Than Love
With Never Ending Care From You
I Began To Love you
With Hundreds Of Reasons
You Will Not Believe It
How Much I Need You ..
Neither I Can Explain
Nor I Can Show It
I Urge To Have It
Till Last I Breathe..
I Will Love you ..
You Will Remain Silent In My Heart
Let Me Stay There Also
In Your Heart ..Some Where..
I Want To Get Mingle
With Those Lovely Beats ..
Ur Melodious Voice Makes Me
Feel Great Since That Time
I Love To Hear It
Those Emotions.. Ever I Got
Which Brought Colours
To My Universe
Took Me Into Another World
That Happiness , Being Loved
Still I Want That More ..
Your Love .. Your Care ..
Yesss ,, I Want More ..
The More I Want Ur Love
I Got Much Crazy Than Before ...
“You can shed tears that she is gone,
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she''ll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all she''s left.
Your heart can be empty because you can''t see her,
or you can be full of the Love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her only that she is gone,
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she''d want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
Silent Words Across A Screen.
How Could They Mean So Much To Me.
I Promised Myself I Would Not Cry.
Then A Silent Tear Falls From My Eye.

What Did I Do, What Did I Say,
To Make You Change Your Mind, The Day You Went Away.
Everyday, Waiting For A Sign
To Let Me Know, You Might Still Want To Be Mind.

Andother Day Comes And Goes,
I Want To Write, But I Can''t, I Know.
You Said You Needed Me More Than I Needed You,
Why Would You Say That, If You Knew It Wasn''t True?

Why Did You Say You Loved Me?
Then Turn Around And Set Me Free?
I Love you And Want You,
But I Know I Can''t Make You Love Me.
~Tough Time Don''t Last~

I said
"Sometimes I fail"
HE said
"I''ll see you through"
I said
"But what if I fall?"
HE said
"I''ll carry you"

I said
"My fears r gr8"
HE said
"Trust me alone"
I said
"But I''m depressed"
HE said
"I''ll cheer you on"

I said
"Life isn''t easy"
HE said
"Please, let Me help.
Remember, I Love you"
I said
"GOD, I accepted" ...
Friends are those who take care without any hesitation,
Who remember you without limitation and
Who Love you without any communication.
Dear friends,

Just read this and understand.. ....
They Love you.. but they are not your lover....

They care for you, but they are not from your family...

They are ready to share your pain , but they are not in yur blood relation.

Theyare..... ...

Suppose One morning
You Never Wake-up
Do All You Friends Know
You Love Them ??
Sometimes I Love you
Can Heal & Bless
So Tell Your Friends This
3 Little Words & See
What It Can Do ...
So Just In-case I Die
Tonight ..

~ I Love you ALL ~ (:
You are like the sunshine so warm,
you are like sugar, so sweet...
you are like you...
and that"s the reason why I Love you!
Bee Love Honey
People Love Money
Flower Love Dew
But I Love you HONEY
3 words made my heart beat faster,
3 words made my legs shake
3 words made my head spin,
3 words: I Love you