You Cannot Make

You Cannot Make
You Cannot Make
Someone Love You
All You Can Do,
Is Be Someone
Who Can Be Loved ...

Good Morning
Have A Blessed Day (:

Jun, 07 2010     135 chars (1 sms)     2077 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

MORNING Greetings does not only

mean saying good MORNING.

It has a silent message saying.

I remember you, when I wake up.

Have a nice day.
JuSt Go OuTsIdE
sEe ThRoUgH uR

hOw PlEaSnT sCeNe
iT iS

jUsT lOoK @ mOoN &
FeEl ThE cOoL wInD

tHeY aLl ArE hErE tO
gReEt u A sHwEeT nItE (:
Ting tong

Open the door plz



Hum kon?

Hum sms
Kya kehne aaye hain?

Aap ko subah ka salam dene aye hain

U may not think of me when ur happy n having a good time,It"s
fine, but please don"t 4get me when ur sad n alone coz.
I want to be the first one to make u happy. Good morning!
No one can go back &
make a new beginning,
but anyone can start from now and
make a happy ending!
Hope u"ll have a day that starts right and
ends Happy! Good Morning
Ech Day Is A New
Canvas 2 Paint Upon
Make Sure Ur Pcture
Is Full Ov Lyf &
@ d End Of Day U Dnt
Luk @ It & Wish U
Had Paintd Sumthng
Gud A.M (=
jo apko rula kr apko mana le us sy pyar kro,,,
or jo apko rula kar khud b aansu bahaye us pe aetbar karo

Shadow of yesterday
Have faded away,
Sun has reappeared
It’s a brand new day

Birds singing their song
Loud and clear,
Announcing to the world
A new day is here,

Sun appears in the east
Has begun a new quest,
In the middle at noon
And then sets in the west,

Wishing you contentment
And peace along the way
Good morning to you
And have a nice day:)
we often go off colour, but as long as
people like u are there to add the right shades, life goes on to
be a rainbow! Gud Morning.
Life is mirror,
Whatever u do it,
It will reflect back to you,
So keep smiling for a smile of lifetime..
Dear Customer,

Ur Remaining Sleeping Time Has Expired.



Leave Ur Bed


Get Up.


Say 2 All

L__M__I (‘,’)Rning!!
Sun Can''t Come To earth

But Sends Love As Rays,

Cloud Can''t Come To River

But Sends Love As Rain,

Also I Can''t Come To U

But Sending Love & Care As SMS

Gud Morning