The word "Appreciation

The word "Appreciation
The word "Appreciation"
means to b thankful & express admiration,
approval, or gratitude.
It also means to grow or appreciate in value.
As You appreciate life.
You become more valueable ...
Both to Yourself & Others.

G o_O d

Stay Blessed .. (:

Jun, 07 2010     268 chars (2 sms)     2297 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

,_o/" Pleasant
"l Morning!
Coz every new day brings new Life....
new blessings....
new hope!
Have a nice day! GUD-MORNING!
I Woke Up a Few Tym Ago


Somehow I Feel Incomepletness

Till I Remembered

I Have''nt Texted You Yet

Have A Pleasant Morning ...!!!

GuD mOrnIng
Sending 24 Smiles,
1 4 each EaCh HoUr oF a dAy
2 MaKe SuRe u R aLwAyZ sMilinng...
Good Morning and hAv a gReAt dAy....
Mst ppl treat d
present momnts as if
it were an abstacle
th8 dey need 2
Since d present
momnt is LIFE itself
its an insane way 2
Gud a.m (=
Aaj kuch gahbraye se lagte ho,

Thand mein kampkapaye se lagte ho

Nikhar kar aayi hai surat aapki,

Bahut dino baad nahaye se lagte ho

...Good Morning...
A Big Hello &
Gud Morning2 My
Sweet Loving
Sugar-coated Choco
Milky Shaky Honey
Cheezy Melting
Orange Juicy Fruti
Spicy Icy Frnd
Have A Yummy Day ... (:
M-ake the most of it.
O-pen your heart and mind.
R-emember to thank God.
N-ever frown
I-magine me
N-othing to worry.
G-ood Morning!
Our lives are always so hectic

with little time to spare,

but days get brighter

when u get a msg from someone

saying "Good morning...."
T h E
b E s T
w A y
t O
M a K e
y o U r
D r E a M s
T r U e
I z
T o
W a K e u P ,

GoOd mOrNiNg ... :)
Learn to get in touch wid Silence
within yourself,
and know that everything in dis lye has purpose. There r no mistakes,
no coincidences,
all events r blessings given
to us to learn from...

G o_O d

Have A Good Day =)
Never Blame A Day In Ur Life

Good Days Give U Happiness

Bad Days Give U Experience

Both Are Essential In Life

All Are God’s Blessings

Gud Morning
Hve A Nixe Day
Sun glows for a day,
Candle for an hour,
Matchstick for a minute,
But a good day can glow forever,
So start ur day with a smile.Gud Day