Love me SMS Messages93 messages

Girlfriend : Are you sure you Love me and no one else?

Boyfriend : Dead Sure! I checked the whole list again yesterday and find no one more richer than U. . . . ;->
Flatter me ,and I may not believe you.
Criticize me, and I may not like you.
Ignore me, and I may not forgive you.
Encourage me, and I will not forget you.
Love me, and I will be forced to love you.
stupid questions with smart answers....
boy:may i hold u r hand?
girl:no thanks its not heavy.
boy:plz say u Love me..
gorl:u Love me..
girl:if we get engaged will u give me a ring?
boy:sure whats u r mobile no..
girl:darling,i want to dance like this for ever
boy:dont u ever want to improve...
Girl: Do You Love me?
Boy: Yes Dear.
Girl: Would You Die For Me?
Boy: No, Mine Is Undying Love
Man and Woman -The ''eternal'' truth?

The (eternal) Man: Do you Love me just because my father left me a fortune?

The (eternal) Woman: No silly boy! I''d love you no matter who left you the money.

Moral: The eternal truth between man and woman.
A Sensible Proposal:
From Boy to Girl-
I Am Not Forcing You
to Love me

Dont Let Love be The
Reason For Heating Me.!

Man and Woman -The ''eternal'' truth?

The (eternal) Man: Do you Love me just because my father left me a fortune?

The (eternal) Woman: No silly boy! I''d love you no matter who left you the money.

Moral: The eternal truth between man and woman.

A Sensible Proposal:
From Boy to Girl-
I Am Not Forcing You
to Love me

Dont Let Love be The
Reason For Heating Me.!
Daddy, I Love You
For All That You Do.
I''ll Kiss You And Hug You
''Cause You Love me, Too.

You Feed Me And Need Me
To Teach You To Play,
So Smile ''Cause I Love You
On This Father''s Day.