Love me SMS Messages93 messages

I hate the way you make me feel,
I hate the way you make me smile,
I hate the way you dont Love me,
But yet you make my life worth while
Love means

To commit oneself widout warantee
To give oneself completely inthe hope that our love will produce love inthe loved person
TRUE Love means:
To FEEL someone in ever HEARTBEAT,
to FIND someone in every THOUGHT,
to SEE someone with CLOSED EYES,
and to MISS someone without reason:)
TaLk 2 me wHen i''m boReD,
kiSS me wHen i''m saD,
hug me wHen i cRy,
caRe 4 me wHen i diE,
Love me When i''m sTill Alive...
Love me Without Fear
Trust Me Without Questioning
Need Me Without Demanding
Want Me Without Restrictions
Accept Me Without Change
Desire Me Without Inhibitions
For A Love So Free....
Will Never Fly Away.
One Day
You Will Love me
As I Once Loved You
One Day
You Will Cry Over Me
Like I Cried Over You
One Day
You Will Want Me
And I Wont Want You.
If You Are Ever Going To Love me,
Love me Now, While I Can Know
The Sweet And Tender Feelings
That From True Affection Flow
I''m Not Begging You To Love me.
I''m Not Really Even Asking You To.
But Isn''t It Alright If I Cherish That Hope In My Heart ?
If I Just Dream Of Holding Your Hand It Will Hurt Me And Not You.
I''ll Try To Keep My Eyes From Shining When They See You And
I Promise Not To Smile A Special Smile When You Say Hello.
But Please...
Don''t Ask Me
Not To Love You.
(Girl) :Will U Love me For The Rest Of My Life?

(Boy) : No

I Will Love U For The Rest Of Mine . . .!!!
Love message Of The Day:
Our Heart Is The Best Hypocrite In The World..!

We Think It Beats For Us Inside But It Beats For Someone Else Who Is Inside It..!
Love message Of The Day:
Our Heart Is The Best Hypocrite In The World..!

We Think It Beats For Us Inside But It Beats For Someone Else Who Is Inside It..!
Love me But Love me Like No Other !

Hold My Hand But Hold It Forever!

Care For Me But Care For Me Deep!

Take Me But Take Me To Keep!