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Realize things before it''s too late. Accept things rather than deny them. Luv people before u lose them. U have just one life, luv it while u Live it.
I askd A Wise Man
How Do I Get Best Out Of Life ?

He Answered
''''Face Ur Past Widout Regret
Handle Ur Present Wid Confidence
Prepare For The Fture''''
Than He Added
''''Keep Faith & Drop The Fear
Don''t Beleive Ur Doubts
Never Doubt Ur Beleifs
Life Is Wonderfull
If U Know How To Live''''
To Live in this world you must be able to do three things: To love what is mortal

To hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it


When the time comes to let it go, to let it go
Way To Live . . .

Do All Da Good U Can

By All Means U Can
At All Da Time U Can

In Aal Da Places U Can

To All Da People U Can

As Long As Ever U Can
Height Of Hiding Failure In Love


I Will Remember that person

Not As The One Who Broke My Heart,

But As The One Who Taught Me

How To Live With A Broken Heart!

So simple it is to Live.

So simple it is to Love.

So simple it is to Smile.

So simple it is to win.

But it''s too difficult to be so simple.
4 Facts To Live Better LIFE:

Never Say Sorry To One.. Who Likes U,
Never Say Bye To one.. Who needs U,
Never Blame The One.. Who Really Trust U..
Never ForGet The One.. Who Alwaz Remmbers U..!!

What did u read?

"Live together"


"Live To Get Her"

Just a beautiful way

2 say "LIFE is d way how u look n react.."
We Live in r Dreams
Dreams May Die.
Don''t get shattered & never cry.
The world is big n has lots to give.
Pick a new Dream
Start Again.
Gud Day.. . . . .
Everything Is Pre-written & nothing can be re-written. So, Live the best and leave the rest to God. Gud Day!
You Can Be :
A Doctor And Save Lives,
A Lawyer And Defend Lives,
A Soldier And Protect Lives,
Or Simply Be YOURSELF,
A SWEETHEART Who Touches Life…
A Good Way To Differentiate Love And Friendship:

"Without U I Can''t Live"- Is Love.

"U Must Live, I M With U" -This Is Frndship