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I LOVE U Are Words Just Three, Which Mean So Much On Our ANNIVERSARY. So This Is What I Want To Say, Live In My Heart N There 4 Ever Stay
Happy Anniversary And May Your Marriage Be Blessed With Love, Joy And Companionship For All The Years Of Your Lives.
Happy Anniversary
And May
Your Marriage Be Blessed With Love,
Joy And Companionship
For All The Years Of Your Lives!
I LOVE U Are Words Just Three,
Which Mean So Much On Our ANNIVERSARY.
So This Is What I Want To Say,
Live In My Heart N There 4 Ever Stay!
I Suggest you to do WAR but never LOVE
bcoz in WAR either you Live or you DIE.
but in LOVE
neither you Live nor you DIE..
life has no rewinds, and no forwards, it unfolds at its own pace
so neva miss a chance to Live today,
and make a BEAUTIFUL story for tomorrow
The aim of life is to Live,
and to Live means to be aware,
joyously, serenely, divinely aware.
Everything Is Pre-written & nothing can be re-written. So, Live the best and leave the rest to God.
One fine day,all of us wil get busy with our Lives,long working hours,friends and sms,won''t have time for ourselves,at such a day you''ll look outside your
window and see the good old memories flash you by and you''ll get a smile with a tear in your eyes and you''ll turn back to your work thinkin i wish i could go
back.. thank u for being a part of such memories
Remmember u r born 2 Live........

don''t Live bcoz u r born........

don''t go the way life takes u.......

take life the way u go........

the most difficult phase of life is not when no 1 understands u.........

it is when u don''t understand ur self.........
Impossible is just a big word thrown
around by small men who find it easier
to Live in the world they''ve been given
than to expolre the power they have
to change it.Impossible is not a fact.
It''s an opinion.It''s a dare.Impossible is
potential.Impossible is temporary.
Impossible is nothing....

Each of us has our own unique flaws.
We''re all cracked pots.
Its the cracks and flaws that make our Lives interesting and rewarding.
You''ve to accept people as they are and then look for the good in them......
Remeber It ....
Nobody is perfect!