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U Live in ur dreams but dreams may die, don''t get shattered never ever cry. D world is real big & has lots 2 giv, pick up a new dream, 4 dats d way 2 Live.
I Am Thankful...
I can move about freely and express my beliefs.
There are those who Live in constant fear.

I Am Thankful...
I have been loved.
There are those for whom no one has ever cared.

I Am Thankful...
I can work.
There are those who have to depend on others for even their most basic needs.

I Am Thankful...
For the opportunity to help others.
There are those who have not been so abundantly blessed as I.
The Ways To Keep Happiness In Life . . .

Keep Ur Heart Free From Hate

Ur Mind From Worry

Live Simply

Expect Little

Give Much

Fill Ur Life With Love

Scatter Smile

Forget Self

Think Of Others. . . . :->
Kill The Stress Before It Klls U

Reach The Goal Before It Kicks U

Love EveryOne Before SomeOne Loves U

Live The Life Before Life Leaves U . . . .
Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life. Don''t say to God: ''Why me?'' Instead say: ''Try me!'' Let''s Live a courageous and challenging life.


Therz alwyz a reson 4evrythng,

a reson 2 luv,

reson 2 die,

resn 2 Live,

resn 2 cry,

bt if u can''t find

a resn 2 smile,

can I b d reasn 4 a while?
Learn frm a candle. which burn itself 4 lightening the others way. Live in such a way that even u die but always aLive in the gr8 memories of others.
Rule To Live . . .
Be civil to all,
sociable to many,
familiar with few,
friend to one,
enemy to none.
Realize things before its too late.
Have lots of friends before you are alone.
Accept things rather than deny them.
Love people before you loose them.

Life comes just once.
Love it while you Live it.
Talk 2 me wen I’m Bored, B with me wen i’m Sad, Hug me wen i Cry, Care 4 me wen i’m Sick, Don’t ever cry 4 me wen I die! Just treasure me wen I’m ALive.
Each moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before. And which ull never see again so enjoy & Live life & make each moment beautiful....
In the end,
only 3 things matter the most:
How fully u Lived,
how deeply u loved
how well u learned to let go of things not meant for u!