Live SMS Messages535 messages

While I m lying in bed I
think about U
I know how V all r
growing up
Struggling to make
a place in the ''big big
How 1 day V r gonna
get busy wid Our Lives
I just want U to know
I m scared to lose U, I
don''t want U to
I want U to be around
I want U to stay beside
I want U to make me
laugh n smile 4ever
just like U''ve always
U''ll remain special to me
4ever n ever n U r 1
of those Friends I
won''t ever 4get (=
Knock knock...

Any1 there?

Oh good,hi i have a deLivery 4u...

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Roses specialy 4u...
Alone I Sit Here

Empty And Cold

The Light Beckons Me

It Forces Me To
Be Okay

Hidden Away My
Feelings Are

Showing No Emotions Is
How I Am

I Have To Fight
To Be ALive

I Have To Pretend
To Care

The World Crushed
My Dream

Yet It Forces Me To be

I Once Was ALive

Now I Just Survive ...
Heart Touching Quote:

I Remember Him Not As The One Who Broke MY HEART..
As The One Who Taught Me How To Live With A BROKEN HEART.....!!
Wishing U a Very Very "HAPPY EID MUBARIK"
Wid Luv And Best Wishes..
May That Eid Day Brings LOT of HAppiness And JOYS in ur LIFE.
May u Live Long LIFE.....
Wishing U a Very Very "HAPPY EID MUBARIK"
Wid Luv And Best Wishes..
May That Eid Day Brings LOT of HAppiness And JOYS in ur LIFE.
May u Live Long LIFE.....
may allah brings dis eid sayeed 2 ol muslim ummah..
n may allah showerz his rehmat n barakat upon da entire ummah..
n lets make dis promise on dis eid dat we will Live our Livez
accordin 2 da quraan n sunnah of our nabi (s.a.w)..
may allah xcept our hidayat n taufeeq 2 do mo gud deeds..
n save us 4rm fitna..
eid mubarak
Never Think more abt Past-iT Brings Tears..

Don''t Think more abt Future-iT brings Fears..

Live in Present-iT Brings Cheers..

Always Smile & B happy.../

#|*|#- EiD MubaraK -#|*|#

Eid-ul-Fitar Is Upon Us
Once Again
Doors Open To Everyone
While Perfume Fills The Air
A Time To See The Ones
We Haven''t Seen For A While
With Labels That Have
A Space For All
Love, Hope , Dreams &
Accomplishments Are Shared
Being Thankful To
For All That Exist In Our Lives
Being Generous To The
Ones That Need It
Having Patience To
Withstand What Life Brings

... Eid Mubarak ...


The bunch of
is being specially
deLivered to you
Your family.
Just to say….

Today is filled with anger, fueled with hidden hate.
Scared of being outkast, afraid of common fate.
Today is built on tragedies which no one wants to face.
Nightmares to humanity and morally disgraced.
Tonight is filled with rage, violence in the air.
Children bred with ruthlessness cause no one at home cares.
Tonight I lay my head down but the pressure never stops,
knawing at my sanity, content when I m dropped.
But tomorrow I see a change, a chance to build anew,
built on Spirit, intent of heart, and ideas based on truth.
Tomorrow I wake with second wind and strong ideas of pride.
I know I fought with all my heart to keep the dream aLive
Across skies, the sun starts to limn
Waking up to a morning hymn
Roosters’ crow and sparrows tweet
In deep slumber, an alarm sweet

Strumming upon the leafy ground
Sweepers crafting a hip sound
Coffee poured and buckets filled
Streams gurgling, dreams fulfilled.

In the kitchen, vessels clang and fall
At a crescendo, milkman starts to call
Telephones ring, radio springs aLive
Joggers pant, in harmony all dive.

As the band plays, starts all festivity
From stillness of night, a sudden levity
To awaken me, do thy make all the fuss
In pure merriment, I wake up thus

Fill my ears again, before I yawn
Haunt with visuals of a glorious Eon
From morning dew, a lesson reborn
Learn and listen to symphony at dawn