You Can Be

You Can Be
You Can Be :
A Doctor And Save Lives,
A Lawyer And Defend Lives,
A Soldier And Protect Lives,
Or Simply Be YOURSELF,
A SWEETHEART Who Touches Life…

Jun, 19 2010     153 chars (1 sms)     1850 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages


The Person reading
this, Help Him/Her
live a beautiful life,
promote Him/Her &
cause Him/Her 2 excel
beyond expectations
Help Him/Her 2 shine in
the darkest places &
give Him/Her love where
it''s impossible. Above
all give Him/Her
Jannah ...

~ Aamiin ~
You r loved when you are will be loved when you die. In between you have to manage
SMS doesn''t only mean


but it also means...



''S''pecial ;->
Life has its Ups and downs. Sometimes the sun shines, sometimes the rain lashes, but then it takes both Sun n Rain to make RAINBOW.
If You Can Kill

Your Desire On One

Particular Day,

Then Note It In Your

Diary! As You Have

Entered The

World Of

Greatness That Day!
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I bElIeVe In Me
YoU''vE bRoUgHt,
A lIgHt InTo Me
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
My HeArT nO lOnGeR
yOu TaUgHt Me HoW
tO lOvE n To Be LoVeD
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I m No LoNgEr ScArEd
I fEeL bRaNd NeW
eAcH dAy, As I gO
tHrOuGh EaCh HoUr
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I''vE nO dOuBtS
yOuR fRiEnDsHiP gUiDeS
mE iN aLl Go ThRoUgH
ThNx It''S aLl BeCaUsE
oF yOu .. :)
Do U Want To See The Gift That God Gave Me?

Where Are You Searching....

Just Look At The Mirror,Its U My Dear Friend...!
I Like 3 Things

The Sun

The Moon



Sun For The Day Time

Moon For The Night Time


You For The LIFE TIME (~_~)

Bas Aik Dua Hai Meri Apnay Khuda Say
Agah Rakhay Har Pal Mujhay Apni Saza Say
Mit''ti Hai To Mit Jaye Ye Hasti Meri
Par Dil Na Dukhay Kisi Ka Meri Waja Say
Koi Dukh Na Ho

Koi Gham Na Ho

Koi Aankh Kabhi Purnam Na Ho

Koi Dil Kisi Ka Toray Na

Koi Saath Kisi Ka Choray Na

Bas Pyar Ki Nadiya Behti Ho

Kaash K Dunya Aisi Ho
Life is cricket
Dont lose ur wicket
Try 2 get century
Never 4get ur boundry
Even if u r run out
Never become mood out
BeCoz GoD Is 3Rd umpire..... :->
d eye does not see what d brain does not know
so open ur brain before opening ur eyes.......