Lies SMS Messages122 messages


"Effort Within The Mind Further Limits The Mind,
Because Effort ImpLies Struggle Towards A Goal And When You Have A Goal, A Purpose, An End In View
You Have Placed A Limit On d Mind..."

~*~ Bruce Lee ~*~
Sardar g Falls Inside A Pit ... !!!

A Friend Asks : Kuch Toota Tou Nahi ...

Sardar g RepLies : Oye Khotiya , Neeche Kuch Hy Hi Nahi ... ;->
Quote of d day

"Your respect does not lie

in the words spoken to you

in ur presence,

but It Lies in the words

spoken about you

in ur absence...":-)gdmrng
The sun had rised from the east & birds r singing happily &
butterfLies R around the flowers. It is time to wake up &
give a big yawning & say gd morning to u..

If You Share Joys,
It MultipLies
If You Share
Sorrows, It Divides
So Always Share
Your Joys To Multiply
Your Pleasure Of The

G o_O d
M o R n I n G =)
Freshnes in Lyf Duzn''t
Get Disorted Evn If V
r In d Worst Tym Of It
Real Source Of Divinity
Lies In having A Faith
"V Did Nuffin Rong"

Gud /\/\orning
Evry sunrise is a present
A gift 4m d God abve
Gift-wrapped wid scarlet ribbons & tied wid bows of luv
Ech is new beginning, a time 2 start anew
While all d stars r sleeping & d rose is fresh wid dew
Ech day''s a new creation, too lovely 2 ignore
& V may not find blessings, jst outside our door
V can''t keep d past, like firefLies in a jar
Nor journey 2 d future by wishing on a star
Evry sunrise is a blessing a gift 4 jst 2day
Rejoice, my friend embrace it b4 it fades away

Have RaInI, CaLm n BeAuTiFuL MoRnInG

Have A Blessed Day (=
ButterfLies dont know the colour of their wings,
But human eyes know how nice is.
Likewise u dont know how good u are,
But i know how special UR
A lady calls Santa for repairing door bell,
Santa doesn’t turns up for 4 days.
Lady calls again, Santa repLies,
I’m coming daily since 4 days,
I press the bell but no one comes out.

A Sardar looking at sky asks another Sardar :
Is that a sun or moon?

Other Sardar repLies :
Oye ! No idea…Im new to this city..
love knows no reasons, love knows no Lies, love defies all reasons, love has no eyes, but love is not blind love sees but it doesn''t mind.
Attitude of girls:

When a boy sends dirty sms
she laughs for 10 minutes,
forward dat to her friends n
then repLies the boy.
“i dont like that kind of sms ok?” :p ;->