Freshnes in Lyf

Freshnes in Lyf
Freshnes in Lyf Duzn''t
Get Disorted Evn If V
r In d Worst Tym Of It
Real Source Of Divinity
Lies In having A Faith
"V Did Nuffin Rong"

Gud /\/\orning

Jun, 07 2010     169 chars (2 sms)     1940 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

A night hug warms the heart, a night kiss brightens the day,
and a gd morning to start your day!
In tis lovely nite, I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U thru the nite, the wind 2 blow away ur stress N the twinkle stars 2 guide U the way, sweet dreams Gd Nite
Sun wouldnt be red,
Sea wouldnt be blue,

I wouldnt be happy,
Without disturbing you!.

<< GooD MorrinG >>
If ur eyes r sweet u wuld like all the people of the world but
if ur tongue is sweet all the people of the world will like u.
Gud Day.
U''ve 2 Walk Ur Own Walk In Dis Lyf
n As U r Traveling Down Ur Road
Dun Luk Down @ Ur Feet, Keep Ur Head Up
n Ur Eyes Focused On d Road Dat Reachz Ur Golz

Gud A.m
A deer awakens
knowing it must outrun
the fastest lion or be
hunted to death

A lion awakens knowing
it must outrun the
slowest deer or starve
to death

In this lifetime, it
doesn''t matter wether
yo r a deer or a lion
When the sun rises,
You should be running
at your best
Gud a.m (:
I can appreciate coffee without cream, nights without lights,
meals without rice, burger without cheese, but never a day
without greeting U. Gud Morning!
In The Confrontation
B/w The Stream & The
Rock, The Stream
Always Wins
Not Through Strength
But By Perseverance
So Work Hard But
Enjoy Every Moment

Gud A.M :)
Don''t Judge

Each Day By The Harvest You Reap


By The Seeds You Plant

Good Morning


Have Blessed Day ... =)
New day new blessing.Don"t let yesterday"s failures ruin the
beauty of today,b"coz each day has its own promise of
Good Morning...
''''G'''' god
''''O'''' offer us
''''D'''' Devotion to

''''M'''' make us
''''O'''' obedient &
''''R'''' ready for
''''N'''' new day to
''''I'''' initiate
''''N'''' new aim for the
''''G'''' glory of life..

''''HAVE A NICE DAY...''''
Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you are riding through the ruts, don''t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, jealousy, and mischief. Don''t bury your thoughts; put your vision to reality. Wake up and live

GoOd MoRnIng