I____u SMS Messages5024 messages

Success will never lower its standard 2 accomdate us,
we have to raise our standard to achieve it.
"for every bird god provides Food, But not their Nest"
Laugh at ur mistakes but learn 4m them.

Take ovr ur troubles but gather strength 4m them.

Have fun with difficulties but do overcome them..

Thts The way 2 live!
U may miss me,

You may ignore me,

U may even forget me.

But one day if you want to see me

Do not search,

just see your shadow.

I will be there.

Trust me!!!
I can close my eyes and see all I’m searching for..
I can know what lies ahead without opening the door..
Intuition guiding me I will take my time..
All my answers live within my heart and quiet mind.
Success Will Never Lower Its Standard To Accommodate Us
We Have To Raise Our Standard To Achieve It . . .

“For Every Bird GOD Provides Food, But Not In Their Nest”
Hunger Wakes You 2 Work

Failure Makes You 2 Achieve

Poverty Pushes You 2 Earn

Problems Keep You Alert

Its Just +ve Attitude That Makes
Life Sweeter & Worthier
Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise

The difficult we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer

Hate is like cancer slowly eating us away inside

Art has no enemy but ignorance
Our Incomes Are Like Our Shoes

If Too Small, They Gall And Pinch Us


If Too Large, They Cause Us To Stumble And To Trip
Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles.

Then no friends would not be like yourself (all friends would be as loyal as yourself).

If you make a mistake, do not be afraid to correct it.
You [a disciple],

shall I teach you about knowledge?

What you know, you know,

what you don''t know,

you don''t know. This is true wisdom.
Knowing Others, Is Intelligence

Knowing Urself Is True Wisdom

Mastering Others, Is Strength

Mastering Urself Is True Power . .
"Love is the answer.
Now, what is your question?"
Friends..this is what we r for..love everyone..,respect everyone..,help everyone..and be the one to do so first!! ..but haan do not expect anything in return..u will wonder..that u will get much more than unexpected..try it once..