I____u SMS Messages5024 messages

Have A Magical Affect
Before Which
Difficulties Disappear
And Obstacles Vanish.
What Is Easy And What Is Difficult In Life??

Easy To Judge The Mistake Of Others ...!!

Difficult Is To Recognise And Accept Our Own Mistake.
Some People Are Making Such Thorough Plans

For Rainy Days That They Aren''t Enjoying Today''s Sunshine.

-- William Feather
... Think Positive ...
Your Life Is Your Garden ...
Your Thoughts Are The Seeds...
If Your Life Isn''t Awesome ...
You Have Been Watering The Weeds ...
If You Fail, Don''t Fill Ur Eyes With Tears.
It May Hide The Other

Beautiful Opportunities Standing In Front Of You
If You Have Built Castles In The Air,

Your Work Need Not Be Lost;

That Is Where They Should Be.

Now Put Foundations Under Them.
Its Hard To Open Your Eyes If Your Dreams Are Sweet

But Sometimes,

I Must To Wake Up Because

It''s The Only Reasonable

Way To See Reality ..
There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties,
you alter yourself to meet them.
"Even A Small Dot Can Stop A Big Sentence...


Few More Dots Can Give A Continuity..."

Amazing But True...
SuCcEsS oN AnY
MaJoR sCaLe
ReQuIrEs U 2
AcCePt ReSpOnCiBiLiTy .
In tHe FiNaL aNaLysIs ,
d QuaLiTy dAt aLl
SucCeSsFul pPl HaVe,
Is tHe aBiLiTy
2 TaKe ReSpOnSiBiLiTy ...
If YoU

vAlUe yOuRsElF ...

YoU UnDeRsTaNd

ThAt ...

YoU aRe A gIfT tO

AnYoNe U MeEt ... =)
Courage Is Rightly Esteemed,

The First Of Human Qualities ...


It Is The Quality

Which Guarantees All Others ...