I____u SMS Messages5024 messages

Don''t Show Off
With Artificial Things
The Real Confidence Is
In Your Simplicity
Which Shows Your
Character ...
Those Who Appear
In Your Life
Wether To Help Or
To Harm You Are
All Given By GOD
Meet All Of Them With
A Peaceful Heart But
With A Warrior''s Spirit
You''ll Fail Many Times
In Failing You''ll Learn
And In Learning You''ll
Find Your Way.
Remember There Are
No Mistakes In Life
Only Lessons &
Lessons Will Keep
Repeating Themselves On
Until Learned ... (:
It is easy to have faith
in yours if when you
are a winner
What you''ve got to
have is faith and
discipline when you are
not yet a winner ...
Avoiding something doesn''t always

mean that you hate it...

it could also mean that you want it,

but you just know that it isn''t right...
Don''t see back when you are moving to success.

But don''t forget to look back after achieving success
life survives on change,
so instead of avoiding it,
take every change as challenge,
either it will give u success
or teach u how to successed..
Easy vs Difficult

Easy is to judge the mistakes of others,
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes

Easy is to hurt someone who loves you,
Difficult is to heal the wound

Easy is to set rules,
Difficult is to follow them

Easy is to dream every night,
Difficult is to fight for a dream

Easy is to say we love,
Difficult is to show it every day

Easy is to make mistakes,
Difficult is to learn from them...
Life is Like An Hourglass ...
Everything Hits
The Bottom
All You Have To
Do Is Wait It Out
Someone Comes Along
Turns It Round ...

Life Is Not A Matter Of Milestone,
But Of Moments ...
Once I happened to walk
on a high bridge

It was so high
that I got scared

I saw an Angel on
the other side.
I prayed To Allah 4 Help

But the Angel didn''t come

I somehow managed to
cross the bridge

There I saw the Angel
holding the end of the
broken bridge ..

"Sometimes We think why
Allah is keeping quite ?"

HE is not helping
cross the bridge
HE might b holding the
broken bridge 4 U

Have Faith
On the road of Life
Losses r just like puddles,
Even if You drop in some,
Keep moving the express
Highways await You ... (:
Success & Excuses

Don''t Walk Together ..

If You Want Excuse ..
Forget About Success

If You You Want Success ..
Don''t Give Excuses
A turtle was trying hard to fly.

Each time it tried to fly the turtle fell back to the ground.

About an hour later, watching these proceedings from the end of the branch were two birds.

Mummy bird turned to Daddy bird and said:Don''t you think its time that we tell him, he was adopted? :(