Once I happened

Once I happened
Once I happened to walk
on a high bridge

It was so high
that I got scared

I saw an Angel on
the other side.
I prayed To Allah 4 Help

But the Angel didn''t come

I somehow managed to
cross the bridge

There I saw the Angel
holding the end of the
broken bridge ..

"Sometimes We think why
Allah is keeping quite ?"

HE is not helping
cross the bridge
HE might b holding the
broken bridge 4 U

Have Faith

Jun, 14 2010     444 chars (3 sms)     1863 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

The Size Of Candles
May Differ But They
Yield The Same
Its Not The Matter Of
Your Position, Nut Your
Ability That SHINES ... (=
Hate has 4 letters' but so does love,
Enemies has 7, but so does friends,
Laying has 5, but so does truth,
Hurt has 5, but so does heal,
Negative has 8, but so does positive,,,
Transform every negative energy into an aura of positivity....
It's your perception that makes the difference in the way you feel be happy and make others happy
Most optimistic line i have ever come across.

"I know i''m the boy of her dreams,

Its just that she hasn''t started dreaming yet"
Tiny drops of water
Little grains of sands
Make the mighty Oceans
And the pleasant Lands
And the passing moments
Humble though they be
Make the mighty ages of Eternity
"I prefer t0 be a 1st class citizen
0f a 3rd class c0untry rather than
being a 3rd class citizen
of a 1st class c0untry."

The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same.

Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.
In The Ocean Of Life ...

God Is Our Buoyant Force.

No Matter How Strong The Wind And How Gigantic The Waves Are,

We Will Not Sink Because We Are Anchored To Him
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.
Life just happens this way,
some things goes your way,
and most of the things the other way,
but see the life with a view of an optimist,
to live the life to its fullest.
Although water falls from a hill,

it never thinks it had fallen,

it raises to run as a river.

Our glory in life is not falling

but to raise at every fall.
There Is A Garden In Her Face,
Where Roses And White Lilies Blow;
A Heavenly Paradise Is That Place,
Wherein All Pleasant Fruits Do Grow.
There Cherries Grow That None May Buy,
Till Cherry Ripe Themselves Do Cry
Expect least from life and you would be the happiest person in the world.

Because if you dont get what you wished for, you would not get agreived

and if you get it you would get what you didn''t even expected.